I recently started coding in C++ with the help of some very helpful Norwegian friends. It seems like the promised land, but i'm not really sure. I made a new weapon for "Worms!". Its called 'the railer', and it fires a deadly shot, useful for those lucky sniper-bastards. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Why am i the only getting put off by the OMFGLOLZORZ language that many blogs have? Am i the only one that finds this language mildly sickening? It makes a blog very bland and it has no meaning. Like the ones i post.Quotes for the people: (Commenting "Worms!")
Quote: Sep05
Ay this is very good game. I tried it because it was sure it`s like Worms, but it`s better. Realtime worms are way better.
Quote: Sep05
wow… i played this game with my brother. it was a lot of fun to blow him up
Quote: Jul05
Overall, this game is very good, and i would advise anyone thinking of downloading it, to do so, but only if they have a mate to play it with, as its not yet supported with a 1 player mode. I will keep checking this game back to see if it incorprates an one player mode or an online mode, as this is what i think will make this game stand out…
OMG! LOLOZORZ! YOUR GAME ROCKZORZ!!!1111111!!!!!!!!!!!!
Is that what you mean? YOU ROCKZORZ MORDIZOR!=]
is this "railer" the same as the rail gun in Heli Attack 3?
I havent played it, so no. I guess.
More like the rail-gun in Quake 2.