Posted by Mu6502 on July 26, 2007, 6:41 a.m.

@LauriP Here's Isovaders with high lights like you suggested. Yes, I will be going with this && I do appreciate the input from all the users here at 64digits.

It seems like I can never make up my mind over colors,or in this case shading.

Colors/shading:probably unknown to the layman, …

Its hip to be square?

Posted by Mu6502 on April 7, 2007, 12:04 a.m.

According to an 80's pop song, I thought it was apropos for this game Im working on,its just an asteroids deluxe sort of remake.Its been on my hd for a year now ,thought I should finish it .The game incorporates pseudo vectors,why not I invented them,just check out Snipe-Golf.Im going …