Warning! This game causes carpal tunnel syndrome. I liken it to a walk in the park, except a walk in the park duz not give you a disease! Not 100% sure bout that. I think it's more iso-manipulative art than game. No keyboard or mouse movement is needed in this thing,so go figure. I think Ill add a online highscore to it just to see who could with-stand the pain the longest.90% complete.Odd Fly->Download!
…ok, very short blog, but oh well.
Come again?
What happened with ISOSI?
ISOSI=Ive put about 10hrs into it.Now the hard part.Ill use a worms land destroyer thing for the barriers,not 100% iso but theres no other way.Invader time engine.No cake walk,guess thats why theres no space invader clones in GM
Says who?
Oddfly=100% complete
@serpx=I have nut'n against ffx,but thats not space invaders.ISOSI=75% completeGame play=arcade ver.(hard)Color=made it darker & replaced red with UHAUL orangePS:wiki sucks when it comes to info on space invaders.How many wave's/levels are there etc. etc.Google knows many sites, given a search of "maximum level of space invaders"
Also, I offer you another clone of SI@serprex
Thanks. looks like ive found a new search engine its called serprex.I was a lil harsh on the wiki & google, time it self will do wonders for wiki & with out google the earth would probably fail.Funny you should mention SDSIex I used that for the mok up for ISOSI,that too isnot the SI ive played arcade/2600/5200/gameboy/virtualboy(collectable)/etc etc.Thats ok because I made my own engine, the 55 invaders run off of one master invader,1/4 if no invader is in there way they shoot when your under them(think maybe a for loop for the random shots?),they movethen stop along with the BGM, the more you kill the faster they go,laser collisions,its like the arcade ver. depth=+x; is all I use for the iso effect, I had to do some mask tweak'n though.The ufo scoring 100,150,200,250 runs on alarm=40,100=0-20,250=39-40. draw_iso_score script is by happytrash,I pitched the idea to him about a year ago,he said give me some #'s so I carved out some iso #'s my 1st ever ahbuhsssh,took me like an hour or more. Gave him the numbs, he said give me 15min's,ahbuhsssh,took him like 5min's to code with full commenting to boot.I will attempt the barrier now top & bottom piece with o 6 frames of anima per piecethe destructable line thing um draw_line_width?/or pixels with ds_list_add?the destructable exs. ive seen so far are way to slow except the ds_list_add one.That pixel art is very nice!