
Posted by Mu6502 on June 8, 2008, 8:17 p.m.

What dose the #23 have 2 do with this game?


Mu6502 16 years, 7 months ago


s 16 years, 7 months ago

There are 46 things, which is the double of 23

Mu6502 16 years, 7 months ago

Um k no! There's (35 invader's +1 controller object +4 shelters +1 base ship + 1 laser = 42). 1 back & 1 foreground. The controller object draw's the line, score & live's. Hint(space invaders).

s 16 years, 7 months ago

3 numbers 35 invaders 4 bases 1 shot 1 ship 2 lives


Also, 340 can be put to 34 (Are you using one of those systems where the score is always a multiple of ten?) which when taken 1 from each digit is 23

Mu6502 16 years, 7 months ago

Start over.Check out the new pic.This is proof that I can count to 23.

s 16 years, 7 months ago

46 invaders is twice 23

(Also, that fly game was neat. Liked the transitions. Bit sad that it didn't allow any form of attack, but who needs to attack when you need to roll all over? Which reminds me, why not include the option of detecting keypresses?)

Mu6502 16 years, 7 months ago

I felt sorry for the mouse wheel.A lil' birdy told me you can dc a GM game with a press of a button.Just remember that highscores don't count unless you use the mouse wheel.My highscore at Odd Fly is 37006,wooooooo I'm the King of Odd Fly.Crawls back into humble shell.Quiz=3 strike rule.

s 16 years, 7 months ago

If I ask a question, there are an infinite number of answers. Of those infinite answers, an infinite amount are true and an infinite amount are false. Are you suggesting one can scope into a finite space given an infinite range?

GM games can't be decomiled with the click of a button, you have to download a JAR and then click through the windows file selector and then click Process. Or you have to shuffle a hex editor to some offset I once traced but can't recall and change 00 to 01. Of course, the latter will only give you debug mode. Oddfly could even be a one button game, praps

Mu6502 16 years, 7 months ago

Comment tinker'n:you=me? Its ! me! Its mu! ! cool:(

Quiz:Ok, 4down rule.Hint:The answer 2 the question is with in 1 of me other blogs here @64digits.

Lil'birdy:Lied to mu.

Oddfly is a one button game,GM calls it the middle button.The term wheel is a loose one in this case since its digital ! analog,just on/off,true/false || 1/0.

BTW whats your high score on OF?

Mu6502 16 years, 7 months ago

Quiz answer=I'll just cut & paste it from the link you gave me serp.How to always score 300 points for shooting the mystery ship.

The score for a mystery ship is not based on any random event, it is controlled by the number of shots fired by the player before the mystery ship is shot. On every screen the mystery ship is worth 300 points if hit with the 23rd shot and on every 15th shot until that board ends.