Slippery when white

Posted by Mu6502 on Aug. 14, 2008, 4:26 p.m.

It's a game engine I threw together a while back,uNiTaNx uses a modifided version of it, as in no sliding because it had some bugs in it.Solution= Throw some &&'s & not's at it.This engine is based on a arcade classic game called Pit & Run.The graphics were also thrown together, so they wont be in the final version of the game.

I think the car is a cross between a ford mustang & amc matador= mustangador.Quiz= How did I achieve the sliding technique for the car?(with out Dcompln')

Game engine


s 16 years, 5 months ago

If I use a hex editor to read the code instead of using the decompiler, does it still count?

The forced 4 directions make turning awkard

Mu6502 16 years, 5 months ago

Sure thing,after you answer the quiz.

awkard=awesome in another language.


s 16 years, 5 months ago

I think you just have a series of hspeed and vspeed decreasings, with a check to make sure hspeed or vspeed is at a desirably low value before inflicting the changed direction

Mu6502 16 years, 5 months ago

Close but no cigar.Answer=4 alarms set to 18 when your on white & 1 when your not.Each alarm triggers a direction.

Alarm=1 at 60fps is mute to the human eye.

I think the code could be cut down or changed.

Congrats!Runner up prize is an alpha version of isovaders(please allow 1-4 weeks for delivery).

s 16 years, 4 months ago

My hit rate was pretty low, but then I realized I had to not view it in iso. Be nice if consecutive hits were counted as chains. If you want a site for highscores I can help (Tom is changing domain in a week, so might want to wait until then)

I generally hate using alarms and keyboard event things. Just shove it all in step/draw

Good to see you're using the rotten zombie tenis ball balloon again

Mu6502 16 years, 4 months ago

Online highscores sound good to me.

You think nixing the alarms will increase performance?

Yea,I dusted off ROTTN'(created in the nitrome balloon editor)and then blew em up in the gimp.

s 16 years, 4 months ago

Alarms are probably faster, they just bug me