iSOVADERS splash

Posted by Mu6502 on Aug. 28, 2008, 3:38 p.m.

Old people probably wont be able to read the iSOVADERS splash screen,which is ok.When was the last time you saw grandpa playn' a "action"video game?

i,m,w and 1 are characters of a different size which make them a pain in the ass,so that's why iSOVADERS starts out with a lower case letter instead of a capitol + the iSOVADER head 2 dot the i adds character in my opinion.


s 16 years, 4 months ago

i gets abused a lot for artistic purposes. When will you people leave the poor little guy alone?

Also, my grandfather played solid amounts of spider solitaire before his death

Mu6502 16 years, 4 months ago

Don't play the simpathy card on me! I personally have never abused you for artistic purposes, so stereo typing me in a category of "you people" is discriminatory and just frivolous.Ok my senior neighbor friend that was confined to a wheelchair due to diabetes, whom gave me some used pc parts so i could finish building my computer and whom died a few months ago at age 70(RIP Tom Gun) played solitaire,however when it came to "action" video games,forget it.He told me he could not read the odd font but he liked it better than the previous font because it was more artistic in his view.Edit="action"

s 16 years, 4 months ago

Fine, i will once again not be allowed to be I

Care to explain why you use an @ prefix on score?

Mu6502 16 years, 4 months ago

You see an @ sign? Hey,what ever floats yer boat.There's a saying that goes like this,and I quote "People see what they want too see".Example:Some people see an image of Christ or the virgin Mary in a piece of burnt toast or on a potato chip,then they try to sell it on Ebay.Hope that helps ya