Exclusive Interview With Troojg Greyhams aka tjg92

Posted by MuZzLe on May 5, 2007, 12:32 p.m.

Earlier today I exclusively interviewed tjg92:

<tjg92> you could interview me :DDDDDDDD

<Foodar> Hello tjg92, thank you for agreeing to be interviewed by Gm News.

<Foodar> What is your full name?

<tjg92> troojg greyhams

<Foodar> How long have you used gaimamakka?

<tjg92> iuno

<Foodar> Do you think that Mark Overmars is a paedofile?

<tjg92> yes

<Foodar> Which kommunities to you visit?

<tjg92> #gmg

<Foodar> Which are your favourite gaimmaka games (LOL JUMPER HOVA TANK 7D)?

<tjg92> choppa caev

<Foodar> R u mekin netin gud?

<tjg92> ya

<Foodar> GOt pix or demos?

<tjg92> ya

<Foodar> What advice would you give to other gaimmakas?

<tjg92> maek a game

<lemmer> Mag zwar zustimmen das ALLES mit Yakety Sax lustig klingt. Blos ob es ethisch und human richtig ist SOWAS zu verunglimpfen ist doch sehr fragwürdig. Und um es für alle verständlich auszudrücken: F**k

<lemmer> off!

<Foodar> Do you have anything else to say?

<lemmer> no, that's all

<lemmer> hey, interview me

<lemmer> now

<lemmer> someone interview me

<lemmer> i'm an important figure in this community

<tjg92> not rly

<lemmer> and i demand to be seen as such

<Foodar> Tank you for doin dis interview with Gm News, btw what do you think of Gm Nooz?

<tjg92> sux

<Foodar> THANK YOU

Clearly an inspirational and great figure of the GameMaker community. :))


chiggerfruit 17 years, 9 months ago

Without MuZzLe, i would be spelling chikin correctly.