Hi everyone, this is my first post here on 64D (as you can probably tell…) I'm Mynameisonic. (You can just call me Sonic)
For the past 8 months I have been hard at work on my latest game, Star Trek Neutral Territory. It is a Real Time Strategy game based on the popular Star Trek series. Beta 3 is currently available (check it out here) with a fourth to follow soon. Right now I am just working on a complete AI overhaul, and of course fixing bugs. This is definitely my biggest project up to this time (maybe not my longest yet, but it's close… and the other one that was close was a platform game that never got 100% finished, although close)Well I'll get back to working on my project now. I'll update you on any progress I make on it, as well as any new betas, and the final release, probably to follow soon after the fourth beta.
Welcome to
Hi Sonic, if that's your name…that is. [;)]
Welcome to thewelcome
@ hogofwar
I am finding that out the more I explore the site. Makes me wish I had joined a long time ago. This site makes GMG look sick :)Ok, before I speak my trademarked greeting, blogs need to be AT THE VERY LEAST 300 characters long.
Welcome to 64digits. Please leave your sanity in the little red box by the door, and don't feed ChIkEn…EVER.