Alright, I'm bored, any annoyed at spriteing so I thought I'd tell you about two really lame things that are going on with my games right now.
First of all, my STNT AI has some random glitch in it… I can't figure out what it is. My new AI system includes having the AI players build new bases… Unfortunately, for no apparent reason, when the unit which builds new bases is created, the whole game freezes. No error message, just freezes. It doesn't create anything (until if moves to the spot it choses for the new base) and really doesn't do anything else that I can imagine would crash the game.
EDIT: I have traced it back to this code:
if search=1 then do {movetox=random(5000) movetoy=random(5000)} until
distance_to_object(Red_Planet)<200 and
distance_to_object(Red_Planet)>100 and
I've used similar things without freezing, just without all the "and"s, so I guess I'm just gonna have to find a new way to do that…
EDIT again: That's all one line in my game… I broke it up so it didn't make my page wider than your monitor.
Second, if you haven't heard yet, Ludamad is holding a 64D RPG contest. I entered it, and I think I have a good idea for a plot and gameplay, but my spriteing skills are teh lame. I've done my best to create a main character. It looks kinda lame to me, but I may just be too critical of my own work.
Here's the original sprite, as well as a larger version so you can see it. If you don't mind, leave a comment, give me any ideas for improvement, and rate it from 1-10, 1 being "L33T EPIC PHAIL" and 10 being "Wewt, sprite=pwnzage"

And here are the walking animations:

In case you're wondering, the basic idea of the game will be that the hero, Myameisonic, must defeat the evil hacker trying to destroy 64Digits! The battle system will probably be similar to Chrono Trigger, and it will (probably) feature 3 dungeons, albeit short ones (the game has to beatable in less than an hour)
STNT should be released a few days after I figure out what's up with this glitch… Building new bases was just about the last thing on my list of things to do before the next release.
Look for any stray loops in your code, mate.
I have been, haven't found anything =/
Comment out loops until you find it.