Two alphas

Posted by Mynameisonic on May 12, 2007, 3:41 p.m.

Well, today I'm releasing two alpha versions of my current projects. One is Star Trek Neutral Territory. I am releasing an alpha of that to a select group of friends. If all goes well, I will be releasing the public beta in a few days. If not, well, I'll release it when I finish fixing things…

Second is my higher priority game, my entry to Ludamad's contest. I have come up with a name: The City of 64Digits. It's not very imaginative, but it works. (Note: It has nothing to do with City of Heroes/Villains) I'm going to let you people at 64D test it for now. (aren't you lucky?)

EDIT: I decided to remove it, so you wouldn't steal my L33T ideas. (Ok, they're not all that L33T, but you know…)

I'll post it when I'm done.

In other news…

I'm watching Toronto FC playing the Chicago Fire. I am not from Canada, I'm just a soccer fan, and I'm always glad to see a new team come to MLS. As I was writing this, Toronto scored what I believe is its first goal. As soon as they did, pretty much every fan in the stadium threw their seat cushions (which I guess they gave out free) onto the field. It was pretty funny, but also pretty stupid, since they had to delay the game to clean them up.

This is random, but someone showed me this picture of a Gameboy from the Gulf War:

I don't know if that's photoshoped or not, but if it's not, I'm amazed.

EDIT: I was talking to my friend (the one who sent me this picture) and he said that he found it on some random forum post talking about how the Gameboy was the hardest substance on earth, so I'm guessing that that could be a real gameboy, but the screen is probably photoshoped over top. Actually when I look closer at it it's kinda off center…

Still pretty funny though.

Anyway, I'll post again when I release STNT beta four.



Nemesis Prime 17 years, 9 months ago

i like burnt marshmallows! but they cannae be gud for mae accent.

Go Bologna 17 years, 8 months ago

Game Boy, or Game Boy Color? The world may never know…