Best Games of 2006

Posted by Natas on Jan. 1, 2007, 7:24 p.m.

Hapie Nu-Year

I would say 2006 sucked, exept ther was James Bond, Gears of war, the execution of a former middle-eastern dictator, I beat two LOLOMGWTFBBQ games and got that blue steak badge, and the Sting Rays declared war on Australia by assasinating one of their important political leaders.

Things to look forward to in 2k7:

Snakes on a motherfuckin' plane on a motherfuckin' DVD (omg snakes ! )

Live free or Die Hard ( omg Bruce )

Grand theft auto 4 ( omg orgasm )

Shrek the third ( oh wait… ignore that one )

Metal Gear solid 4 ( omg direct attention to my comment on GTA 4 )

and so on ….


(not in order)

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (xbox360)

Gears of War (xbox360)

Trauma Center: Second opinion (Wii)

LOZ:TP (Wii)

Bully (PS2)

COD 3 ( All next gen consoles )

Elder Scrolls : Oblivion ( PC, 360, PS3)

Tomb Raider: Legend ( PS2, Xbox, 360 )

Guitar Hero 2 (ps2)

Castlevania: Portrait of ruin (DS)

Rainbow six: Vegas ()


Natas 18 years, 2 months ago

I'll give an expleation as to why I choosed these games.

Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (The 360 version had better graphics and was harder than the ps2 version. It contained better AI and the missions when you are on a helicotper with a machine gun reminded me of GTA VC)

Gears of War (The graphics where stunning and there was a very nice atmosphere in the game. Plus I loved the song in the commercial.)

Trauma Center: Second opinion (While the cutscenes really made it feel like a handheld game, the use of the wiimote and the addictive gameplay put it on my list.)

LOZ:TP (I dont like this game. But its LOZ on a console so it is good I guess.)

Bully (Fun gameplay and all the controversy makes it even better.)

COD 3 ( Great graphics and nice gameplay. I am a fan of COD and FPSs so this is on my list.)

Elder Scrolls : Oblivion ( Lets get it out of the way that I hat RPGs , but people seem to like this game.)

Tomb Raider: Legend ( This was the best TR game I've seen in a while. Great puzzles and graphics, but too short.)

Guitar Hero 2 (Sabbath, Nirvana and Rush, oh my!)

Castlevania: Portrait of ruin (Castlevania rocks)

rockyran 18 years, 2 months ago

The thing with sequels, is they are never as good as the original.

Now someone is probably gonna proove me wrong…

Agreed %100 (you didn't see THAT coming did ya??). The original games always get the benefit of a first-impression. With sequels, you don't have the "first impression" advantage and everything will feel old. Plus, if you try to bring in too many new things for it to have a "first impression" advantage as well, the sequel will be way too different for them to be considered on the same series.

So yea, sadly, sequels can't really ever surpass their originals.

Natas 18 years, 2 months ago

lol he wasnt talking about games. He posted that before I added the best games list.

Graydon 18 years, 2 months ago

You've never played Rainbow Six Vegas have you.

Jabberwock 18 years, 2 months ago

You forgot Soldexus. :P

Natas 18 years, 2 months ago

Forgot Vegas, sorry.