Sprite comics rock!

Posted by Nemesis Prime on May 25, 2007, 4:47 p.m.

Yo, dudes!

well, i was bored, so i started work on that sprite comic i kept going on about. i eventually decided against calling it TransFormers: Avatars, changing it instead to Happy Little Robots! i'm probably going to set up a website about it, when it's done. here's the first strip:

i'm probably going to do more, but not tonight. i'm sleepy and there's a pile of homework to be done in the holidays. did i mention? it's holidays as of now. week-&-a-bit off! i can mess about with some more sprite comics. i wish. my parents are hauling me off to a boring camping trip. we go to the same place every year, and never do anything new. what is the point in that? and all my siblings bicker non-stop! honestly, what is the POINT in family?all they do is get in the way.

on to more pressing issues, i've finally figured out how to use to my mp3's and videos in school without getting into trouble for downloading non-school stuff! i use http://www.esnips.com ! you can upload videos, mp3's, anything! all i have to do is upload my music/videos and remember to bring in a pair of headphones for I.C.T. lessons!

yet ANOTHER thing, i asked twisterghost if i could set up a 64digits magazine. he said there'd be an official thing in v3. i asked him if i could do it anyway. i'm still waiting for a reply. but if i do do a magazine, i'd need some help. i'm not going to ask for it here. in the same way, i'm not going to go on about my site here. yes alright, it's had a fair bit of traffic, and i've had someone ask for their own page, and maybe i do give up the password for the members only section a bit too easily. but it's still my site, and i like it. hey, how did i get here? i was going on about magazines . . . or something.

truly, life is good. except maybe on tuesdays.

-Nemesis Prime

*beyond the governement*

*outside the united nations*

*straight over the flyover, first right then left by the quik-save*



Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 9 months ago

It's crap. Read the sprite comic guide. The background and lines rape the rest of it.

Nemesis Prime 17 years, 9 months ago

where's the sprite comic guide?

anyway, this is my first one, you can't expect a masterpiece first try.

Grand-High Gamer 17 years, 9 months ago
god 17 years, 9 months ago

The saturation makes it hurt to read it…

Saturation should be 150 max, not the default 240…

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 9 months ago

Eww… sorry.

foslock 17 years, 9 months ago

I thought it was funny…

god 17 years, 9 months ago

It was pretty funny, its just the background colors are the default iris shrinking colors…

[deleted user] 17 years, 9 months ago

lmao @ sk8;

The comic WAS pretty funny, just had an ugly background.

DeadlyGuy77 17 years, 9 months ago

As everyone else has posted: the comic is ok, and the background isn't ok, basically.

Nemesis Prime 17 years, 9 months ago

@coolgeorge423: thanks! i'll add you too!

@everyone else: i'll see if i can do better backgrounds.

if it's okay with you guys, i can deliver them to you via PM's just PM me saying you want a copy in your inbox.