yo, dudes!
Happy Little Robots!HLR 7 is out, and it's pretty good, if i do say so myself. i'm starting to get the hang of sprite comics, and i seem to get better with every strip i make.I set up a small website to showcase the Happy Little Robots, http://www.happylittlerobots.fusiveweb.co.uk . you can view all the episodes of Hapyy Little Robots, and also get avatars and wallpapaers for them. when you sign up for it, you have to wait a while for me to verify your account. i am planning to have a competition on HLR, probably a scripting one. you'll have to be a member to do it, though.if you win a competition you get admin privs, which can and will be taken away if you abuse your power.anyway, here's HLR 7!Happy Little Robots (NeMeSiS pRiMe)
Posted by Nemesis Prime on May 27, 2007, 9:39 a.m.
Wow, you copied that dialouge right out of a Dilbert cartoon. Smooth.