Since I wish to contribute to the usual crappy 64D blogs, I will.
One thing I completely overlooked from my GP2X is the ability to change the clock settings for each application.
You see, for some stupid reason, Cave Story was set to 260mhz when it ran fine at 200mhz on the GP2X. You don't have to know what that means, you just need to know that it was using more power than usual and all it did was waste more battery life(and the said battery life just happens to suck, although I rarely find myself with no power). Well, I had the brilliant idea of underclocking it to 70mhz, making it run 3 times as slow. Normally, this would be useless, unless you're making a speedrun of Sacred Grounds. I managed to beat it in 3 minutes and 40 seconds, but the thing didn't save. D=
Since you probably don't even know what the GP2X or Cave Story is because you're too busy playing Guitar Hero, I'll just change the topic and turn this blog into a review thingy(it's not like I have anything better to do). So yeah. FIGHT.
GP2X vs. Nintendo DS vs. PSP
Nintendo DS - You probably already know what these are. That famous handheld Nintendo made because it has two screens, one of them being a touchscreen. The graphics are usually 3D and look like the N64 to some people, so it makes it awesome, right?
Sort of. Just because I only own the GP2X doesn't mean I'll just say both the NDS and the PSP suck. To be honest, I haven't really played that many games on the NDS, even though I can always ask my cousins to lend it to me for a whole day.
This is probably my most played game, since my cousins always have it with them for some stupid reason(they've probably beaten it more than 20 times, 150 stars and all).
I like the graphics style. Pixel-ly textures and 3D graphics are just awesome in my opinion. The gameplay is supposed to be based on the original Nintendo 64 version(failing hard at it for not having a joystick). Because the controls are very different, I probably wouldn't call it a sequel to Super Mario 64. It took me a while to get used to playing it, but after learning, it's just as fun as the first, with the glitches from the first excluded. The sounds are the same as the first(with a few differences), and that's about it.
This game's actually fun if you ignore the fact that you lose the 3D feel when you're looking at a tiny screen.
GP2X - The least known because it can only be purchased online, and it is complicated to use if you're used to the NDS/PSP simplicity. It's also the handheld I own, and picked it instead of the other two for very good reasons.
Okay, I've got to admit that MAME is the emulator I use the least, but I couldn't really find a screenshot for any other emulator.
Wait, emulator? Yes, the GP2X is capable of emulating games up to the PSX(with the PSX having very low compatability, and being the only emulator with a compatability that low). Atari, Amiga, C64, Game Boy Color/Advance, Sega Master System, NES, SNES, and a bunch of other consoles I probably left out. There's always some person in each of my classes asking me for it, because it has their childhood game in it. There's always another idiot saying it sucks because it doesn't have 3D graphics and plays really old games. It still doesn't stop them from asking me for it though. I would start reviewing some kickass game for it, but there are too many, so I'd rather not.
PSP - okay, I haven't even touched one of these. Hell, I didn't even know it had analog stick/nub until a few weeks ago. O_o
Ignoring the uselessness of this blog, do answer the following question:
What type of games do you prefer? Retro or 3D games with kickass graphics?
Don't just answer because your favorite game is Retro/3D. Try to remember the best games you've ever played, and if they were 3D/old.
the DS could do all that the GP2X with the R4
so failHmm, could an R4 play Cave Story? If so, I need one. Now.
I want an R4…
I'll get one eventually, mesureodat.Gfxwise, it's either full kickass 3D photorealism with a physics engine and full realtime dynamic lighting that eats most PCs alive, or kickass 2D, like SNES-era games. However, my favorite graphics ever are paper mario, stylised 2D in a 3D world. Gotta love it.I think someone is working on a port of Cave Story to the DS. Although, I'm not sure if it would look good since it's not the same resolution…
actually, considering the fact that the port is being coded from scratch, I don't think it'll impact the resolution at all.
FUCK YEAHI think I just proved JakeX wrong. O_O
No, jaxeX said 'Good games'
Oh, and the PSP can also emulate N64.