So I was looking at the Recent Blog list, right? I read through most of the blogs, and came up with the conclusion that most of them are boring. So, I also came up with an idea: what that list needs. Another boring blog! w00t
How many people would be interested if I made a game like this? Yes, that's an actual in-game screenshot. I've actually had an acceptable Pokemon Engine for a while now, but never did anything with it. (made it in August 2007)
In other news, my school grades are going down, fast. Brawl and FF7 has been taking up too much time, and not only does my homework not get done, but that annoying feeling of "i want to go home to play lawl" I had thought I've gotten rid of got back. Maybe I should sell my Wii… but then there's still the question on what I should do with my GP2X… I'll just delete all applications/emulators except the MP3 player and fill my 2GB SD card with musikk.
I've done this question before, but since almost the whole community has changed, I'd like to know, where did -your- username come from? For example, mine comes from an old favorite video game of mine, Def Jam Vendetta. It's a stage for it(which I don't even like), but I thought it sounded cool when I was looking for a username(~4 years ago) and just decided to stick with it. For those that didn't know, I used to have a stupid "255" at the end of my name(dabridge255), and it really just was the maximum level you could take a Pokemon that's been gameshark'd to hell and back. Completely random, but it worked.
So again, where does -yours- come from?
Kenon came from an old idea of mine. I had a grand story about a warrior named Verentrex and his companions, and one, which I never found a name for, I called Verentrex2. He was tall, long armed, and nimble. I eventually named him Kenon, and BOOM. There went the Kenon storm!
My name was given to me by a friend at a LAN party back in 2006. It was originally going to be Flakey, due to a certain scalp condition I had at time, but thankfully it wasn't.
In fact, the whole meaning changed when my one friend saw how good I was with the flak cannon in UT2004 (or, rather, how it was the only weapon I could use). So all of a sudden, Flaker was born. We then added in a bit of 1337, to make it unique.My dog, marbles :D
French Connection UK.
Dumb name, but easy to remember. Except most people don't understand that just cause it's my name, doesn't make me French >_____________________<I was deciding a name for my character for runescape(which I don't play anymore) and since I liked cats I decided to choose meow, but then it wasn't available so I thought of an easy slightly repetetive number thus meow44 was created. I have other usernames like
catdude 3000 (gamemaker community, ign, yoyogames)stevekb(snowmoons,flyforfun,upshift strike racer,64digits forum,other sites)meow44(64digits, runescape, gametrailers)…ect.nick beam is a nice plain name, like james bond. so i just say my name is nick beam and use beam and a nickname it is very easy
Xxypher used solar beam! Critical hit! It's super efective!
Wild Marbs fainted.Xxypher gained 340 xp.My name comes from my initials. I wasn't being very creative when I came up with it.
My name is the initials of the name I came up with when join
Yep, it's pretty old.@Pokegame, yeah, why not?I was reading a Zelda strategy guide, and for some reason it called the gossip stones "obelisks." Since then I have taken on the name.