u n00b lamerz

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on May 5, 2008, 11:25 p.m.

I have, yet again, shown signs of life to 64Digits. It's almost been a month since my last blog, lolwut?

Anyways, I finally got a memory card and a wireless gamecube controller, so I can play gamecube games yet again! w00t. Well, not w00t. I only have two games. :P

In 64Digitsness, I will now teach you 3p1c and l33+ techniques in order to shine as a 64Digits user and become one of the best. This list will go in order, top impress most, while the bottom is still awesome, but not as much.

Name Titles - Those [name] things in blog titles. Go to the front page and you'll notice everyone being 1337 has these(for the exception of ludamad, zipper head, and other senior members, they're teh lame). How can you - a future 1337 - you do this? Simple! Take your username, pick up completely random letters from it (four will do) and put them in little [] things. Done! But the fun doesn't stop there! You can change the [] things to (), –, and {}! The possibilites are endless! These are a lot more effective when your userid is over 3000.

The Mighty List - Nothing surprises blog readers more than the dividers! I'll use an example to show you:

Of course, the amount of headers on that list is ridiculously low, you must have 10! Or more if you can! Also, don't listen to those n00b lamerz that tell you you should only have a few, like three. They're just jeolous of your big list. Who needs to appropriately order paragraphs when you have lists?

Super News Poster - Self explanatory. Make sure that more than 50% of the comments or more in the current news post are made by you.

Super Blog Poster - Same as above, just a little lower in the awesome scale.

This should be enough for now, I'll add more to the list in future blogs, as I study how elites act. Stay tuned for more!


Az 16 years, 10 months ago

So true