Hey people. As usual, I'm here to spam the front page with useless blogs nobody cares about. Yup. So, what I've been up to:
pitchBlaqk - Remade: Clone of the unfinished dabridge.net
dabridge.net - Original: The only screenshot taken of the site, showing it's secondary layout for logged in users(pitchBlaqk's current layout was for guests).
So, as you may or may not know, I used to have a site called dabridge.net(waste of money). I never really did anything with it, since the CMS for it was never finished. Luckily, I found the source file(one "index.php" file included with a whopping shitload lines of code), so I'm finishing it up now. There's still a lot to be done though, and I don't expect it to be an active community. I just wanted to have a user system for teh lulz.
Pokemon Last HiddenUnfortunately for some of you Pokemon freaks, there's very little info I'm giving out on this thing. The only thing I could say about the game, is that it will not disappoint.
As for the progress, it's pretty awesome considering I never open GM. The movement engine is basically done(if you put it side-to-side with an emulator, it's pretty much the same). Right now, I'm working on the textbox engine. I can code a Pokemon battle with super effective hits, chances of missing, animation, but can't make a stupid object in the overworld. >_<
miniWiiOkay, so stupid people at my school are calling my GP a miniWii now, because like the Wii's virtual console, the GP2X can emulate old games. It also may have to do with the fact that both are white.
Oh, right. A N64 emulator for the GP2X just came out today, isn't that awesome? I love this thing. <3
I love my new Cyclo Evolution DS, makes my DS into ANYTHING. From wireless media hub straight from my PC to a phone, it's my universal device =D
Aww, Obelisk got it first.
Is the PSX emulator any good yet?
I wubz you dabridge!
And miniWii is REALLY called…WiiNii.
lol miniwii
The game looks quite cool. Is it a spoof or just an ordinary Poke'mon game…?
As for that console-thingy… I've never even seen one. But I see DOOM and I read it emulates N64 games, so… DO WANT.