Are you sad?

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on June 4, 2008, midnight

I'm sad, but it's not because of hormones or love issues. No, it's the end of the school year: a time when you regret making any friends. It's not as depressing as last year, but still sad. I'll still see some of my friends next year, but most of them are transfer students and are being kicked out because the school has too many students. Damn you, new principal! Oh yeah, and the seniors. Damn you too! I'm never seeing most of you again. =(

Anyways, the reason the end of last year was depressing was because of hormones AND love issues. For one, I was just an emo on the inside and dressed up as an idiot(exactly the opposite of right now, dressed up like an emo and an idiot on the inside). I had this huge crush on some girl, and told her the last day of school. Basically, she said "Fuck you" in the most polite way possible. Woot.

In fact, I got so depressed I actually made something useful(and probably the only useful stuff I've ever coded): a 70% working pokemon engine for G/S/C with R/S graphics and a 20% working CMS. The goal of this summer, is to finish both. I'm not as lifeless as last year, but will probably stay in my house all summer because I have to take care of my little brother: moar w00t.

In other news, seeing as today was the second to last day of school, I took my Wii to school (and probably taking it tomorrow too) and kicked everybody's ass in SSBB. I even beat them with a really crappy gamecube controller, as opposed to my Wiimote since someone wanted to use it(and was using the excuse that he was losing because he needed it). I've never had that many games for any of the consoles I've owned('cept for the GP2X, but that stuff is emulation, so…), so I'll probably get stuck with SSBB forever or eventually buy Line Rider if it ever comes out in it. I thought of buying Pokemon Battle Revolution, but seeing as the 4th generation Pokemon fail so hard, I decided against it. Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness then. Maybe I'll get a GBA too and convince my cousins to sell their DS and get GBAs so we can battle like the good old days. It's not like they have fun games in it anyway(Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, bah).

So yeah, later. I just ordered Shadow The Hedgehog from amazon, fun. Stay tuned for future, more pointless blogs. Oh, and I'm passing all of my classes! :D :D :D

(I thought I was going to fail Japanese, I just can't learn the stuff)


RC 16 years, 9 months ago

Shadow the Hedgehog was a fun game…sort of.

NeutralReiddHotel 16 years, 9 months ago

Was? Is.

Never finished it though.

sk8m8trix 16 years, 9 months ago

Dabridge, I miss you! Come back D=

Toadsanime 16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, our Year 11's here (i.e, the oldest people in the school) have now left, alot of which I had befriended. That seriously bites. This time next year it'll be my year that leave, and that means a lot of us will split up and never see each other again. :(

Extravisual 16 years, 9 months ago

I dislike the Wiimote for SSBB, Gamecube controller ftw.

MMOnologueguy 16 years, 9 months ago

lol, owned. Not that it's funny. It just happens so often it should be expected.



what was I gonna say?

OBELISK 16 years, 9 months ago

Yeah, same thing happened to me really, I had made a few friends in the senior class, and one of them just left today to go to basic training for the army.

Cesque 16 years, 9 months ago

No, it's the end of the school year: a time when you regret making any friends.

You can always make them not

With the help of a garrotte (la la la)

frenchcon1 16 years, 9 months ago


Toadsanime 16 years, 9 months ago

@Cesque - Why are you rhyming? At least keep your timing.