Well, I never really made a promise, but what the heck.

Yup, they're real. Too bad none are connected to one another. That's kind of the problem right now…
I know that teh 64D doesn't like fangames, and I was going to keep this hidden from everybody until I had a long enough demo(which is coming, one day… >_<), but I'm going to include some 64D members as trainers since it's time consuming having to come up with names. :P
In other news, I'm typing this having not slept for >24 hours, woot! I didn't really want to stay awake for a whole day(since I've done it only once before and it was really annoying), but I have to stop sleeping at 6AM so I'm saving up all of my sleepyness and going to bed at 12AM. ^_^ Damn, I've stopped making sense already, I should really go to bed now… but I WON'T. :D
so yea
Nice, I was going to make a gold/silver styled engine but went with newer graphics cause I wanted newer pokemon =/
Newer Pokemon games suck. I like the simplicity of Red and Blue.
I personally think the 2nd generation is the best(with the 4th being the worst). Everything is perfect about it, and in my opinion, even the graphics.
I want to be elite 4 plz
Also, screenies look coolgold and silver were pretty cool imo
Let me be the seventh gym leader please. I want to use electric type pokemon =).
Dude, my pokemans need to be dark type, along with some dragon. Umbreon ftw!
"Trainer Sk8m8trix wants to fight"
"Trainer Sk8m8trix sends out Abra"*teleports*… The fuck*Walks a bit**teleports back*goto line 0Make me a trainer :D
sk8 you need line references, you stupid fuck. Have you never done any proper programming? Jesus wept. The youth of today.
00 cls10 print "Trainer Sk8m8trix wants to fight"20 sub start_music30 print "Trainer Sk8m8trix sends out Abra"40 pause50 sub do_teleport60 sub play_sound_the_fuck70 goto 00