I'm not an old member?

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Nov. 18, 2008, 9:10 p.m.

Well, my user ID is 1117, so I'm one of the older 64D members(since users < 1000 are pretty much dead).

Anyways, I haven't blogged in a while simply because there's nothing to blog about - I would start writing down stuff about my life but I'm sure none of you care. If you did, you'd go start reading other people's diary or something…

Does anyone remember me bragging about a little korean device called the GP2X? It was basically a little emulation machine that managed to emulate stuff from the PSX and older. It started to suck from SNES up(hell of a lot frameskip - you'd have to sacrifice something like transparencies to get full 60FPS). The whole idea of it was neat, you could literally carry around a bunch of arcade games in the back of your pocket. I really shouldn't say that though, I never carry anything in my back pockets since it will probably fall off and get lost…

The point is, the GP2X had a lot of flaws:

- No real time clock, which made it impossible to be used as an organizer(and made some games like the pokemon series also not fully playable).

- Works on AA batteries. This means you'd have to charge a pair for 7 hours and they would probably only last 2 while in play.

- Touchscreen sucked. Not only that, but it came with a stylus, which also sucked(since there was no place on the GP2X to put it in, so you had to carry it around).

- No form of graphics acceleration, this means no to complicated 2D games and a defenate no to 3D games.

- No center pivot on the D-pad.

- It's a block. You can't carry it around in your pocket without someone asking you what's in it - it's just ridiculously huge.

- Edit: How could I forget? It's white. It tried to copy the Wii and iPod color scheme and failed miserable(it looks really stupid with the design it has).

I probably missed a lot of stuff, but there's an overall of some main things that just suck about the GP2X. Guess what? GPH(Game Park Holdings - the company that makes the GP2X) stopped making GP2Xs altogether. Did it really suck that much? Not really, but there were a lot of complains.

What's the genious solution? Another device!


It pretty much fixes everything(size, power, battery, controls, color), so yes, I'm getting one. The only downside I see is the fact that the "Wiz" sounds pretty stupid and I'm sure somebody said that it meant something inappropriate in another language.

I should probably make a quick paragraph about my life for the hell of it. Let's see, this weekend, I had to go to 2 quincenieras(look it up, it's a mexican tradition, and I live in the border between the US and Mexico, so…) in a row - a friend's and my girlfriend's. Also, it turns out I didn't fail any of my classes even though I was pretty sure I was going to fail Physics(hell, there's blogs of mine from months ago that always say I'm failing Physics), but I passed it! :D

Well, later. Have fun with whatever it is you're doing. I have to clean my room now… besides, I'm half asleep. I better stop now while I still can to keep myself from writing something stupid…


fprefect111 16 years, 3 months ago

Hey, I'm user #803. Neat :)

Cesar 16 years, 3 months ago

Good thing you're back, for however long you stay.

Also, I'm < 500 :D

Jaxx 16 years, 3 months ago

< 3000, Fuck yeah.

Josea 16 years, 3 months ago

Hello? I'm 250

V 16 years, 3 months ago

Let's see, my ID is 611, and I've just gotten lazy in terms of blogging. I'm still somewhat active, however.

noshenim 16 years, 3 months ago

ID 876 :)

I though rawrspoon joined after me…

Xxypher 16 years, 3 months ago


I win almost.

KaBob799 16 years, 3 months ago

Oh yeah, you can get AA's that recharge in 15 minutes instead of 7 hours =p

ID: 534

frenchcon1 16 years, 3 months ago


PY 16 years, 3 months ago

3127 :D