Haha, yeah right. I'm only releasing the finished product, thank you.
However, I am looking for beta testers. Preferably those who have been in previous BBQs or anyone that has a lot of experience on them. I want to know how mine compares to TGs for now.
For those who think this is just vapourware:

I don't want to give out anything that could slightly tell the story.
Also, there's the issue of avatars (it's not really an issue, I just don't want anyone complaining). For most users I used the ones they currently have. For the following, I either had to make one, get an older one, or change it.
melee-master: His got changed by somebody else in the staff. As far as I can remember he never changed his old one which is the one being used.
ludamad: Too small, using his banner instead.
REZ: Too animated, couldn't figure out which frame to use. Avatar from my banner used. (
DesertFox: Too similar to marbs'.
vanhelsign: Current one has profanity, and a copyrighted character.
Scott_AW: Had to make one.
hel: Had to make one.
Shadow Yoshi: Didn't have one. Avatar from my banner used. (
If you have a problem with me picking yours, or you want to change it, speak now. Oh yeah, and by some slight change you don't want to be in it altogether, say so too. For the full list of people in it, go here:
I'd rather play it once it's completed, that way I get the full experience like everyone else. The game looks good, in a traditional sense, which is good because that what you're going for.
if this is horrible i will kill you
Make a Mac version, k??
There ya go, that should do. I don't mind doing any testing, but you'd have better results of getting a hold of me through MSN than anything else.If mine is too similar to DF's, then use this one for me instead:
Use my blue head. :D
:P @ marbsydooooo