Depressed? Me? Nah...

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Oct. 31, 2009, 6:11 p.m.

So a year ago, October 27, I asked this girl out and she said yes. I was really happy cause I liked her a lot. 5 days later, Halloween 2008, we had our first kiss.

January of this year, we broke up. I kinda still like her, not much though. What is she doing this year? She's on some vacation on California, having the time of her life with her new boyfriend. What am I doing this year? Nothing, and oh yeah, it's my last high school year.

Fuck my life.

I'm bored, lets discuss name changes:

dabridge255 - I actually made a blog about how I got this username a while ago, but eh, I deleted it. It matched the dates of back when I was a noob so it had to be destroyed.

So liek, 500 years ago (when I was 11 probably), I heard from a friend of mine (who stole $100 worth of games from me before I found out years later) that there was this cool new game called "Def Jam Vendetta." Maybe you've heard of it, it's a bunch of hip hop artists fighting in a wrestling type game. Naturally, being a growing boy, the violence was just so intruiging. It automatically became my favorite game for years. About a year later actually, I tried to make… something. It was a website I think. So there I was, in front of a computer trying to come up with a name.

In the game, "Def Jam Vendetta," grammar doesn't apply (spelling is not cool for hip hop artists), so there was a favorite stage I had (because… I think it was the only one because the guy I was playing it with never unlocked other levels). Guess the name of the stage? Oh, gee, I wonder what it could be… *dun dun dun* Da Bridge! So I think of this name, try to put it in on the website making thing (which I think was freewebs). Doesn't work? "dabridge" is already taken? Crap… but I'm thinking, "this name is genious!" so I tried to not change it much. At the time, I was obssesed with Pokemon (actually still am). Not the crappy anime, the games. They are just brilliant… Anyway, I had just found the Missigno. cheat on Pokemon Red and Blue, and I was ready to feed my level 156 Mewtwo all the rare candies I had to make him level 1000. Well, it turns out the limit is 255. This also automatically turns into my favorite number for a while. So I merge these two together… dabridge255!

Yeah, I start using this for everything after a while. After I realise it's stupid as hell, it's too late for me to change because that's what I'm known as. I try anyway:

dabridge - This name doesn't have anything special… it's basically my attempt to make the original dabridge255 look less stupid without completely changing it. Next attempt:

Mastermind - This name also originated from a game (ironically made by EA Sports as well). It was a name I picked from a list of names the announcer said once in a while.

Mast3rmind - An attempt at originality once again. After a simple Google search, I find out that the name "Mastermind" is more used than a prostitute. I was trying to be 1337 with my name but it didn't work. haha

val3n - Took something personal of mine (last name) and added 1337 to it. Apparently also used, so I changed it.

One thing to note though, I went through a lot of crap in this name change:

- Decided not to change anymore my name (didn't work)

- Matured a hell of a lot

- Asked to get banned from 64D (spent too much time here)

- Created a bunch of art and games (none displayed)

Oh yeah, "Valen" isn't my last name. It's part of it. And well, it's not even my last name. It's from my mom's side of the family.

reidd - Not much is known about this name change. I actually didn't have it for too long. However, I've been using it… a lot. Pretty much to anything I sign up to not game maker related. I'll explain at a later blog if I remember, cause it's no fun if I just say all of it, is it?


OBELISK 15 years, 4 months ago

I wish the word "bat" wasn't overused. Then I could make something of my name. My first or last name alone could be a good username anywhere :P.I've deleted/edited every single post with my full name in it, though. The last thing I want is someone to Google me and find the things I've posted here. And I'll ban anyone who posts my full name just for the sake of being an asshole after reading this post.

I once had these slashes on my chest that made the shape of an obelisk. But other than that, I pulled it out of my ass.

You dated her for a few months? I don't know what that's like, my longest relationship lasted three weeks. She only dated me because she wanted to fuck me, but she dumped me right before we did. Now she's stuck on webcam with some guy from New Zealand. Ha.

MMOnologueguy 15 years, 4 months ago

You dated her for a few months? I don't know what that's like, my longest relationship lasted one day. I only dated under her ex's instruction, but we dumped each other at the same time that night.

MMORPGguy is derived from the WoW obsession I had around 2004-2006. Thankfully that's worn off, but the name stuck.

In related news, POKEMON?!?!??!?! I still get random urges to make pokemon clones every now and then. Those games are fucking masterpieces, 'specially GS and C.

Juju 15 years, 4 months ago

Oh boo fucking hoo, some random girl you saw for a couple of months doesn't like you that much and, to make matters worse, you're not going to a party.

Deal with it. That's life. Do you still have a family? Do you still have your health? Do you still have a warm house and a full stomach? Things could be worse. Man up.

shawn 15 years, 4 months ago


NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 4 months ago

Oh boo fucking hoo, some random girl you saw for a couple of months doesn't like you that much and, to make matters worse, you're not going to a party.

Deal with it. That's life. Do you still have a family? Do you still have your health? Do you still have a warm house and a full stomach? Things could be worse. Man up.

Okay, I deserved that. You know what? To be honest, I don't even know why I put that.

The only part I didn't like was the fact that you think I bitch and whine about this all the time. I don't. Hell, I rarely think about this, but it eventually comes up. It's the price of being a teenager I guess, thinking about the stupidest crap that has no real value whatsoever. Forgive me for being fucking normal, I think I would just rather look back at this and laugh years later, that's why I wrote it. I already know nobody gives a crap about boohoo girlfriend stories, I didn't expect any sympathy.

But thank you for assuming the worse for me. You just made my day a hell of a lot better.

Edit: Or maybe I should just shut up. Screw it. I make no sense.

DesertFox 15 years, 4 months ago

Onoes! Juju is being mean :(

Anyways, I always forget you were Mast3rmind and Val3n.

I've always been DesertFox, but I did an avatar blog recently, too :3

I always liked this avatar:

NeutralReiddHotel 15 years, 4 months ago

I have a lot more avatars actually lol

That "angel" I took from a comic strip from Cyanide and Happiness, gave it long hair and red eyes, and used it for a lot of things. That's mainly why I don't use it as much since I liked it too.

dront 15 years, 4 months ago

In Sweden, newly released games can cost up to $100.

That's why I buy games when I am on vacation in the USA.

*Thumbs up*

mesenberg 15 years, 4 months ago

uh… january was like 2 months after you first got with her lol, so you still think about a 2 month relationship that ended about 10 months ago? O.o Fuck your life :D

V 15 years, 4 months ago

Eh, we always get the occasional 'emo' blog. We don't have a clue what we're posting until we look at it again and say "Oh shit.", lol.