I've been loyal to Nintendo ever since I was a little kid. I remember my parents getting tired of taking care of me and buying me a NES when I was around 4. Super Mario Bros. killed my social skills and made me a long time Nintendo fan. So, that's been a long time. 12 years? Yeah.Then I get the SNES. Legend of Zelda and Super Mario All-Stars. oshi- epic. My attention span sucked too, so I never got to beat those games until a few months ago when I got bored. I since then lost my original NES and SNES, sad faces ensued.Then I remember getting the Nintendo 64. How? I don't know, I was pretty damn poor. I don't even know how I got the NES and SNES. Since we were so poor though, I only got Super Mario 64 and another weird game called Killer Instinct Gold(which freaked me out at the time since I was still a kid). So yeah, I missed the whole N64 deal with the Legend of Zelda and Pokeymans. Eh.Okay, so skip to 2001. I get a Game Boy Advance for my birthday. At this point, I actually kind of like the Pokemon anime (though even then I detected traces of suck). So, I try to get a Pokemon game, but, what's this? No game for the GBA? Fine, I'll get the latest one then, Pokemon Crystal.Oh wow was this game awesome. I couldn't stop playing it, until, it broke. Ah well, I kept getting Gold and Silver cartriges until their internal batteries ran out. At the moment, I have a Silver cartridge, so I never stopped that. That's how much I liked these series.Then, 2007 came. I saw Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, with their shitty Pokemon designs. Oh god I hated Nintendo for messing up Pokemon for me. The designs alone made me completely boycott somewhat the newest Pokemon games. Because of this, I always thought Pokemon peaked at Gold/Silver/Crystal and went downhill from there. I still do.At the moment, I'm playing Pokemon Diamond. Why? Well, one damn good reason. Since the first time I played Crystal, I've been waiting for a cool remake with advanced graphics (I was playing it on a GBA so it seemed unfair it wasn't made for that system). Well, after 10 freaking years, Ninty finally makes one. For the DS, of course.
I stopped paying attention around the first generation
Ah, you mean the new Pokemen. Alright.
I loved gold and silver, but ruby and sapphire too. Diamond and Pearl did suck though, and I haven't been able to play the new remakes yet :(. That's the first screen shots I've seen of them.
Pokemon Blue is my favorite, I remember once beating all the gym leaders and elite 4 in one single day! (with missingno cheating of course :P)