I hate Nintendo

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Nov. 8, 2009, 11:32 a.m.


I've been loyal to Nintendo ever since I was a little kid. I remember my parents getting tired of taking care of me and buying me a NES when I was around 4. Super Mario Bros. killed my social skills and made me a long time Nintendo fan. So, that's been a long time. 12 years? Yeah.

Then I get the SNES. Legend of Zelda and Super Mario All-Stars. oshi- epic. My attention span sucked too, so I never got to beat those games until a few months ago when I got bored. I since then lost my original NES and SNES, sad faces ensued.

Then I remember getting the Nintendo 64. How? I don't know, I was pretty damn poor. I don't even know how I got the NES and SNES. Since we were so poor though, I only got Super Mario 64 and another weird game called Killer Instinct Gold(which freaked me out at the time since I was still a kid). So yeah, I missed the whole N64 deal with the Legend of Zelda and Pokeymans. Eh.

Okay, so skip to 2001. I get a Game Boy Advance for my birthday. At this point, I actually kind of like the Pokemon anime (though even then I detected traces of suck). So, I try to get a Pokemon game, but, what's this? No game for the GBA? Fine, I'll get the latest one then, Pokemon Crystal.

Oh wow was this game awesome. I couldn't stop playing it, until, it broke. Ah well, I kept getting Gold and Silver cartriges until their internal batteries ran out. At the moment, I have a Silver cartridge, so I never stopped that. That's how much I liked these series.

Then, 2007 came. I saw Pokemon Diamond and Pearl, with their shitty Pokemon designs. Oh god I hated Nintendo for messing up Pokemon for me. The designs alone made me completely boycott somewhat the newest Pokemon games. Because of this, I always thought Pokemon peaked at Gold/Silver/Crystal and went downhill from there. I still do.

At the moment, I'm playing Pokemon Diamond. Why? Well, one damn good reason. Since the first time I played Crystal, I've been waiting for a cool remake with advanced graphics (I was playing it on a GBA so it seemed unfair it wasn't made for that system). Well, after 10 freaking years, Ninty finally makes one. For the DS, of course.

Naturally, missing out on all the features introduced in Generation IV, I simply just think HeartGold and SoulSilver are perfect. So what do I do after playing it for like an hour? Buy a Nintendo DS, and a flashcart. The flashcart isn't here yet, so I have to settle with Pokemon Diamond so I won't be completely out of the Gen IV loop when I get SoulSilver so I can pwn people in battles.

I can't wait for that flashcart to get here. I keep facepalming at all the shitty Pokemon designs as I get more into Diamond. I swear, they made Diamond and Pearl as shitty as possible so HeartGold and SoulSilver would be perfect. If they release another game that's not a Crystal version remake, I will hate Ninty for life.


Omega_Squid 15 years, 4 months ago


Toast 15 years, 4 months ago

I stopped paying attention around the first generation

Cesque 15 years, 4 months ago

Ah, you mean the new Pokemen. Alright.

Kamira 15 years, 4 months ago

I loved gold and silver, but ruby and sapphire too. Diamond and Pearl did suck though, and I haven't been able to play the new remakes yet :(. That's the first screen shots I've seen of them.

Bryan 15 years, 4 months ago

Pokemon Blue is my favorite, I remember once beating all the gym leaders and elite 4 in one single day! (with missingno cheating of course :P)

Alert Games 15 years, 3 months ago

I hate Nintendo
no, this.

The whole company started going downhill since the DS and Wii. Good ideas, but they didnt go through with them.

WHY? well, knowing nintendo, they will prolly keep releasing new stuff for you to buy so that you end up spending much more money on their stuff than the other systems to achieve a possibly better gaming enbironment.

more people play games that you can play online easily, and more important that are fun. nintendo has failed to do this. the money spent on the wii seems to me to be people liking the "image" and "concept" of it. the games were pretty good, but not good enough for people to enjoy them like people did with their games on the gamecube and earlier.