I will make a blog tier list soon, and yes, out of boredom. While the whole list hasn't been completely done yet, I have thought of some of the bottom tier blogs: - Game Maker Related - Life RelatedThese seem to attract less attention and get less comments than say, an admin screwing around with the site's coding (usertag anyone?) I try to only blog to help out the community, meaning not make it seem as dead, so I try really hard to avoid these blogs. However, Cesque has proved me wrong, as he constantly has blogs like these and still gets a decent amount of comments. I guess it's the new users making their blogs dull to read…Actual Blog Content *gasp*One advantage of being the only programmer in the school is getting praised for little work (if you see that as an advantage)This is honestly the most rushed "game" I've ever done.So I open up GM in school because some people wanted to see how programming worked (I thought GM is as close as I could get). Then, I make the fastest game evah, a smilie face moving around and avoiding bullets shoot by a player. One player controls the smilie, and the other uses the mouse to shoot bullets from the bottom of the screen. Every second the smilie player gets a higher score, and the goal of the mouse player is to stop them as fast as possible. I made it for two cause I was to lazy to make anything automated, and it fitted since it was only two people I was showing this to. Since they actually suggested stuff, and got to see how it was made, they liked playing it after a while.Who knew 10 min. rushed crap actually amuses some.So back to real Game Maker. The only project I've had for the past few years was this: A perfectly working game, with most features coded. Never got finished because I ended up getting hooked with the official remakes of Gold/Silver/Crystal (which I thought would never come). I will finish it at one point, but for the moment, no. This takes up a lot of my game making time - which is by the way not much - and I haven't done a single game because of it. So I've decided to start working on something else. Right now I'm trying to think of how the gameplay will be so I can start working on the sprites and script, as I know for sure it will be very heavily story-based. As for the style of sprites, expect something like this:Fun with Game Maker
Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Dec. 5, 2009, 2:15 a.m.
Apparently not only new users make these kinds of blogs dull to read, but so do I.
:(Stop moping! The graphics look nice. :)
alas humans are more typically entertained by blogs that make no sense or have no point than ones which contain logical content. ^_^
These graphics look great, and needless to say I'd rather play that than yet-another-Pokemón-clone…
Iknowrite. Nintendo make enough Pokemon clones themselves, without warranting indie ones. The series hasn't changed since red/blue…
Graphics will forever be my bane, and soon my undoing. As they laugh at me at night, I cry myself to sleep knowing I'll never master them.
Well, not really, but I sure suck at graphics. You're not the only one. Those ones look hawt.The only thing I have to say about them is your land filler tiles, the brown ones. You can see the transparency dot. But why have that transparency dot if transparency is not needed?Its funny how easy it is to impress people with Game Maker. I did the same in highschool, I had everyone wowed over a simple click-the-ball game, which is now 100%^infinite better. Unfortunately they never saw that part…
Your new game looks promising, I hope you make some progress on it. Don't worry about the sprites, they look good enough and as long as the style is consistent I don't think anyone is going to say they're bad graphics.
Yeah, impressing people with GM. In IT once, some guys suggested I make Breakout, so I did, and they were all "=O". Makes you feel pretty cool.
the graphics are better than anything i could ever hope to accomplish.