Year 17. (Year in Review?)

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Dec. 31, 2009, 9:21 p.m.

This blog isn't meant for 64D to read. What I mean is that it's not humorous nor am I trying to get comments. Go ahead and read it if you want to though.

2009: Senior year in high school for me, and didn't turn 17 until the very end. So many people called me young because of it (lol 16 year old senior), so I acted young. Not in a good way either. I acted like a little kid.

Towards the beginning of this year, I had broken up with this girl I was going out with, and basically, Emofest 2009 came up, and much whining about life was done.

In the summer, I joined my school's gymnastics team, as I heard any other team in the city, or gymnastics coach even, sucked in comparison. I have been on it since. I also got two friends who have possibly been the closest I've had my whole life, since I chose to not be friendly to mix in my childhood with my then childish attitude (and any time before that I was unfriendly for the most part).

Resuming my childish behavior, I did not take any college thing seriously, including deadlines for applications and scholarships. Mainly, I didn't think about college at all since I thought I had no purpose in life and didn't think I would need a job after I killed myself anyway.

My schoolwork suffered as I did not take it seriously either. Naturally I blamed this on the fact that seniors are lazy bastards mostly. I barely passed any classes. I could have taken advanced classes but didn't because of my natural ability to avoid work, which was required.

I didn't go out much because my friends didn't either. I mostly hung out at my place with some friends or went to somebody else's house to do stuff. Eventually some parties came up but nothing noteworthy as I don't remember most of them.

The two friends I mentioned earlier are best friends, and only consider me a close friend. I thought this fact would bother me after a while but I guess it never did. Not that I don't care but if it bothered me it would be pretty silly. I at one point had a crush on both of them but only one of them told me they liked me back. I now currently have a crush on the other. Some people have told me they liked me, but those that did I never paid any attention to. I guess I always wanted what I can't have.

My programming skills have decayed and grown. Hard to explain, but whenever I program anything I forget how to do it, but once I look it up again/remember I do it more efficiently. This, however, is useless, as all my serious programming stopped in fall. (no motivation)

My writing has improved for the most part, but I'm afraid it will stop as I have stopped reading any books or writing anything for school (all my classes are easy). I thought of continuing to blog here but I don't have anything to blog about that is interesting to the community.

This marks the year of the horrible year (with a few exceptions) 2009 has been. I will make sure though, that 2010 will be better.

btw happy new years everyone ! :D


Castypher 15 years, 2 months ago

and basically, Emofest 2009 came up
But we love you, dabridge. <3

2009 pretty much sucked. Nothing really special happened on a global scale (though I don't watch the news so correct me if I'm wrong). As for me, it was school, light dating, and just being lazy. Haven't done well on programming.

I heard it on a commercial but I support it fully.

Screw 2009 and bring on 2010.

…Though it's getting close to our supposed 2012 apocalypse.

Scott_AW 15 years, 2 months ago

It was a pretty crappy year.

Acid 15 years, 2 months ago

I liked '09.

RhysAndrews 15 years, 2 months ago

Inspired by my blog no doubt.

Bryan 15 years, 2 months ago

You started a fad :(

RhysAndrews 15 years, 2 months ago

I hope not!