Realistically, every since I joined this site on '06, I've been using 64Digits as my diary. I want to write down things that I want to remember later on or talk about later on with others. Through my first few years of writing here, I quickly noticed that not a lot of people care about simple static information such as my Pokemon collection (no one would want to read through that list for fun), the games I've owned, the grades I've gotten, the things I've done, etc. Similarly, it's no fun at all to recall lifeless details about things that happen to me without some sort of emotions or thoughts, without some sort of reactions to go along with what I'm saying.
As soon as I got home after learning I was unbanned, I went to my file manager and deleted most of my files there – most of them are pictures that are everywhere on the internet now a days. Then, I downloaded specific images that I KNOW I never want to forget. For example, who wants to forget about their little projects in Game Maker? I started SO many projects, but never finished a single one. Here, I'll show you a few:

My first RPG! this literally just has simple variables (attack, defense, HP) and runs turn-based. The only thing on the demo is just one battle. I don't encourage you to download it, unless you're very, VERY bored and don't want to look at paint dry. This should knock off a couple of minutes.

Plugg! My first attempt at making a platformer with custom graphics only! Oh man this thing looks so cool, even now! Maybe I should finish this, just as a simple minigame platformer. I mean, look at that little alien red cyclops pill-shaped thing, it's adorable!

Escape! This one is the most hilarious one out of all… I literally told myself, "I'm going to create an amazing classical puzzle game that will be remembered through the ages. SO, it needs an amazing menu." Which I did…. but that's where I stopped. I LITERALLY just coded a menu for a game and didn't even bother to make the game. Hah! If that's not lazily getting sidetracked, I don't know what is.
And then of course…

The engine that made me famous and made "Pokemon: Lost Silver" the most downloaded game in this site. I coded almost an entire Pokemon Generation II Battle System on Game Maker, along with a simplistic overworld system, and turned it into a simple small game I called "Last Crystal Hidden." This game was going to be AMAZING, it was going to have all four regions (at the time: Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sihnoh) in Generation II graphics, all available Pokemon IN their perspective regions, and customizable trainers as well as the ability to fight ALL usable trainers of their own games (ala Red). Needless to say, overambition killed this project and made it sit on the shelf until the idea for making Lost Silver came in mind (which means that yes, Lost Silver has code to make a full Pokemon Game that it never used during gameplay).
But, enough of my games. I've been banned for one year, and this is my first day back. How do I feel?
Yes, I realize how much of an asshole I became on 2012 and the start of 2013. I want to justify myself to you and tell you I was going through a lot of shit, but so are mass murders, and their behavior isn't justified either. Even if I was going through shit, I shouldn't have just expected you guys to sit there and take my bullshit. So, the fact that I'm even back makes me feel loved. Being outside of here made me feel like a dog getting kicked out of the house in wintertime. I was freezing out cold while everyone else enjoyed a nice, warm dinner next to a fireplace enjoying each other's company. Learn it from me, if you really love this site, DO NOT GET KICKED OUT FOR A YEAR LIKE I DID. It's quite possibly one of the most retarded things I've done in my life. Not the top, but high up there in the list.
I've been up to a lot. A whole year did pass by, and with it, a LOT of changes in my life. Even though my life is doing pretty good right now, my roommates in depression over losing his
girlfriend relationship girlfriend girlfriend of 2 years, and last night my girlfriend's dog ran away so she's sad too. I had an amazing first day back of school but the people close to me are bummed out, so it kind of negated what I was feeling.
I'm sure I'll write more about what I've been up to in upcoming blogs, relating to my game dev, music, game playing, social life, school life, you name it. Stay tuned if you've been following all these years for whatever reason.
Edit: Girlfriend found dog, all is well!
welcome back.
Thanks for the "wb" JID! And thanks for pointing that out too… I fixed it.
Welcome back!
You know, in all the time I've been a member, I don't think I've ever had a conversation with you. Hopefully, that will change. (Most likely in this thread.) :PAnyway, "2 year old relationship girlfriend" still sounds a little weird, doesn't it? I think "girlfriend of 2 years" sounds a lot better.Why in the fuck would I ever have to press the 'J' key? Outrageous
Glad to see you've made a comeback.