Master Cleanse, Pokemon Y, Roommate Covers

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Jan. 20, 2014, 12:07 a.m.

The GF suggested that I do a cleanse with her, a thing called "Master Cleanse" which says you can't eat for 10 days, and you survive by drinking a mixture of maple syrup, fresh lemon juice, a pinch of cayanne pepper, and water, all day. In the morning, there is a "sea salt water flush" that induces a vowel movement to "cleanse," and a laxative tea at nighttime. This is what I've been doing for the past 3 days, and so far I'm alive and well thank god. She sold this idea to me by telling me I would have a lot of energy and concentration by doing this, and I went with it. I DO miss food though, everytime I take a whiff of any food, even if it's normally disgusting to me, I WANT to eat it sooo bad.

Right now, I recently got to playing "Pokemon X/Y" as a gift from my mom. So even though I was on a game dev streak and was working on my "Cursed Black" project very well, everything went down the toilet once I got this game… it's like I'm being a kid again by playing this, and with the many things that run through my mind in the day, it's refreshing to get an "escape from reality" that isn't drug or alcohol-induced. Iasper, I know YOU play it, so my friend code is: 4098-3734-4968. Anyone else want to add me go ahead.

Uhhh. Right, update. So I've been banned for a whole year, and of course there's been a lot of changes in my life:

- I got a raise in my job, and now work a much less stressful position for more pay.

- I moved out of my mom's and moved out with my bro

- I've picked up a 3DS, to which my GF bought me A Link Between Worlds and my mom got me Pokemon Y (so I have those two games that are new, besides that I haven't bought anything)

- I've been doing so amazing in my classes. Organic Chemistry, to which I failed the first two exams even though I studied my ass of for them, I got a final grade of B- (which would have been an A at best but those two grades didn't help me)

- I've been focusing on my game "Cursed Black" SO much more, to the point where I could finish a elaborate (but not final) demo in the next few months if it weren't for school.

And honestly, my main focus hasn't been video games or video game development. It shifted towards music since my roommate plays guitar and sings as so do I (as of now).

here's a few pieces we did in the past year(s):

In Spite of All The Danger Solo (our fav one because it came out perfectly in our eyes)

And I Love Her

This one is MY personal fav, even though we could improve it SO much at this point (i play guitar way better+ we can sing it better now) But this was recorded over a year ago, so it's a little old.

This next one is more recent, done a few months ago:

Please Please Me

(there's talking in the beginning)

We're using electric guitars w/o plugging them in since we dont' have acoustics. This wasn't a serious take, but I liked it and we haven't done an edited take since, so once that gets done I'll post it.

Any feedback to my insane diet, friend codes, or whether you are a fan of Beatles music or not, very appreciated


LAR Games 11 years, 1 month ago

Man, I really need to get myself a 3ds. Not being able to play the newest Pokemon is killing me. :(

I'd have to get my brother and sister 3ds's too though. I don't like playing Pokemon alone. :P

Hypernova 11 years, 1 month ago

I was quite sad that I sold my 3DS back in early 2013 for moving from South Dakota to Texas. Hopefully I can get another 3DS XL and Xbox One from my new job.

Toast 11 years, 1 month ago

I keep forgetting people have jobs I just assume everyones still in some form of education or NEET its like woooooaaaa

Diet sounds stupid as shit. No scientific backing, no source of protein, extremely unhealthy and you could end up fainting, therefore pointlessly dangerous.

You might as well ask me to jump out of a fourth floor window and call it "Master Air Resistance Ground Collision Training"

But yeah Beatles woooooooooooo

firestormx 11 years, 1 month ago

Man, I really need to get myself a 3ds. Not being able to play the newest Pokemon is killing me. :(
I agree. That's the only reason I bought a DS, too.

I love pokemon so much. :(

Diet sounds stupid as shit. No scientific backing, no source of protein, extremely unhealthy and you could end up fainting, therefore pointlessly dangerous.

You might as well ask me to jump out of a fourth floor window and call it "Master Air Resistance Ground Collision Training"
I share these thoughts. Except for urgent medical cases, flushes do /nothing/ at best, and put ridiculous amounts of stress on your body's organs at worst. Well, I guess they leave you dead at worst, but more commonly it puts a lot of stress on organs. People who are unhealthy, and/or do these flushes frequently, experience organ damage or failure.

And they're about as scientific as going jogging with a garbage bag on, to "flush out the toxins". Jogging with a garbage bag is good for losing water weight to temporarily reach a weight goal (eg for a fight). Other than that, it's just a lot of stress on your body (note that stress doesn't equate to increasing stamina or some sort of strengthening), for no reason.

"toxins", "cleanses", and "detoxes" - and the whole general pseudosciences relating to health, I suppose, are some of my biggest pet peeves.

firestormx 11 years, 1 month ago

I care what you do with your body. :(

Pirate-rob 11 years, 1 month ago

Way to sound creepy FSX.

I've heard many times about how fasting helps the body remove junk and such, I was slightly sceptical but never saw anyone say otherwise, However I do know cayenne pepper is quite healthy, so this fast shouldn't be all bad for you.

NeutralReiddHotel 11 years, 1 month ago

Man, I really need to get myself a 3ds. Not being able to play the newest Pokemon is killing me. :(

I'd have to get my brother and sister 3ds's too though. I don't like playing Pokemon alone. :P

You wouldn't! I already have a gang going, with my two cousins, two other homies from my other community, you, and Iasper :P we're set to go!

I was quite sad that I sold my 3DS back in early 2013 for moving from South Dakota to Texas. Hopefully I can get another 3DS XL and Xbox One from my new job.

if you're short on cash, you can get the 2DS too, only 129 and Pokemon's 3D isn't super impressive, lags, and isn't used very often anyway. maybe you can get a used one for even cheaper

I keep forgetting people have jobs I just assume everyones still in some form of education or NEET its like woooooaaaa

yeah i'm with school AND work

Diet sounds stupid as shit. No scientific backing, no source of protein, extremely unhealthy and you could end up fainting, therefore pointlessly dangerous.

You might as well ask me to jump out of a fourth floor window and call it "Master Air Resistance Ground Collision Training"

i'm definitely up for public scrutiny for anything, and this is no exception. my gf sounded super enthusiastic, doing this for 10 days saves on groceries, and so far I feel fine. i'll definitely write about the experience once i finish with this, as well as any sites that say this is helpful. if it turns out to be a waste of time, i'll say that too.

my main reason for doing this is restriction. restriction yourself to not eat food is HARD, especially for this long. if i ever have to fast for a religious reason, now i'll have more of an idea what it feels like, and know whether I want to do it or not.

so far, i can tell you i'm definitely not doing this again soon. my GF hinted she wants to do this twice a year, and i'm already ready to tell her hell no because i'm not enjoying it so far, and i'm doing it for the challenge/ the fact that i want to keep my word that i would finish this.

i've seen many people try this on youtube, and me and my gf are doing it. we are all fine so far, no fainting!

But yeah Beatles woooooooooooo

I'm definitely doing more/better covers in the future!

I share these thoughts. Except for urgent medical cases, flushes do /nothing/ at best, and put ridiculous amounts of stress on your body's organs at worst. Well, I guess they leave you dead at worst, but more commonly it puts a lot of stress on organs. People who are unhealthy, and/or do these flushes frequently, experience organ damage or failure.

i want to know where you got this from, personal experience? i've already read all this online, and the only way to find out if it's true or not is through experience. i can see this putting stress on my organs, but again, so far i feel fine, just hungry. definitely not doing this often out of health issues that could come up, so thanks for bringing that point up because it IS valid since i have no protein intake with this diet, and who knows what other things i'm lacking, like potassium.

And they're about as scientific as going jogging with a garbage bag on, to "flush out the toxins". Jogging with a garbage bag is good for losing water weight to temporarily reach a weight goal (eg for a fight). Other than that, it's just a lot of stress on your body (note that stress doesn't equate to increasing stamina or some sort of strengthening), for no reason.

"toxins", "cleanses", and "detoxes" - and the whole general pseudosciences relating to health, I suppose, are some of my biggest pet peeves.

why are they pet peeves of yours? because they're not backed up with a Ph.D?

You know how Steve Jobs suffered from horrific health problems related to his digestive organs which eventually lead to his early death? He was a fruitarian when he was around your age (hence Apple) and also fasted for weeks on end.

I did not know this… no wonder the man was so skinny

I don't really care what you do to your body, but if you're doing this in the name of health, it's almost certainly going to have a negative effect if you do it too much. Your body will eat away at your muscles and organs to make up for the energy lost by fasting until there's nothing left.

well thanks for caring Steve (this isn't sarcasm… i don't think you don't care because if you didn't you wouldn't warn me in the first place) enough to tell me. rest assured i'm not doing this too much, and i'm going to tell the GF to not do it much either

I care what you do with your body. :(

thanks FSX, u a true bro man. if you were stranded on a desert with no water i'd care about your body too and give you water

Way to sound creepy FSX.
that's not creepy dude, fsx has my back. that is quite awesome

I've heard many times about how fasting helps the body remove junk and such, I was slightly sceptical but never saw anyone say otherwise, However I do know cayenne pepper is quite healthy, so this fast shouldn't be all bad for you.

i was skeptical about what happens too, and i'll definitely write about it if you want to know from personal experience from someone who is not going to BS u to get u to try it. and yeah, the cayanne pepper is also yummy

Castypher 11 years, 1 month ago

I very recently got Pokemon X and after getting my 3DS back from my sister last night, I can't stop playing.

They changed enough to make it feel new, but not too much that it doesn't feel like a Pokemon game.

Iasper 11 years, 1 month ago

Can we have a Friend Code blog? Mine is 2062-9435-8002

Also good to see you back Reidd, your songs sound nice :)

LAR Games 11 years, 1 month ago

Blargh! Kilin, saying good things about the game only makes me want it more. :(