Country Dreamer (A Love Story)

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Feb. 9, 2014, 1:44 a.m.

Whenever I come to 64Digits, I always think that I have to start being philosophical and very sophisticated around you guys because most of you know how to program and I see it as all of you are smart since you have developed a skill that is hard to develop. If I was in a site around morons, I wouldn't care about what I would write and just repost things or just not be there at all. But here, I always think that you guys are critical and deep-in-thought guys that I can't afford to give you something unsatisfying.

I want to talk about a short love story.

Valentine's Day is coming up, and for the first time in my life, I will have a girlfriend DURING Valentine's Day. This is exciting… I can finally feel like a part of a bigger group that is on a relationship, kind of like I'm going to a costume party with a costume. It's a pretty cool feeling of belonging.

Who is this girl?

I'll call her Owl (cause of her tattoo), and it's a girl I've grown rather fond of. I met her at work, and apparently she knew who I was before I even had a clue who she was. She always sounds so excited and in love when she tells me about the first interaction we had (which I barely remember). She talks about how we were both cashiering next to each other and how when she dropped a paper from her desk and I bent over to pick it up, I ran my eyes through her body checking her out while I was coming up, and that I told her in a playful voice, "Be careful with your papers, Owl!" I honestly don't remember this, but she does, and I guess that's when she started to notice me.

I didn't notice her until she kept trying to talk to me, then I was thinking, "oh hey, this girl might like me."

Skip to now, she was feeling very sick last night so I spent the night at her place since she's in a shitty living situation right now, and she felt better with my company (which is always heartwarming).

I like her because I've been very upfront with my own problems, and what I'm planning to do to fix them. I tell her a lot of things, and she responds reasonably to them. Even if she doesn't agree with what I say, if she gets pissed she still sticks around.

Yeah, we have problems, but who doesn't. I don't want to get into those, especially because I had a good night last night, even with missing a party so I can spend the night with her.

We're kind of like star-crossed lovers. She is not from this city and neither am I. This wasn't a job that she planned on keeping (Sam's Club, where we met) and it wasn't mine neither. She is a veterinarian technician while I am studying to be a radiologist. We did not grow up on the same times either.

But yet we're still together keeping each other company in a city where we did not come from.

Oh my Owl. If only you had met me a year ago, two years ago, 4 years ago.. you would have not recognized me at all.

I told her I am dead broke for Valentine's Day, and that i wouldn't be able to afford anything fancy (which is true), so I'm going to learn how to properly play/sing this song for her and play it for her on Valentine's Day as a gift:

I can almost already do it, but I have to master it by Friday!


Acid 11 years ago

Steven, your avatar works too.

I'm happy for you Dabridge! What makes you want to do radiology?

And girls just like the fact that you legitimately WANT to do something for Valentines day - if they complain about the quality or quantity, they're probably not someone you want to be with for an extended period of time. (Again, this is assuming you earnestly tried. :P)

Acid 11 years ago

I am actually the same way as those people, Steven. Abbey gets extremely angry when I don't ever want anything except for the things I need for my projects. :P

I recently bought a $40 hoodie on clearance for $10, and that was my first clothing purchase in months.

And Reidd: if you need to talk about anything, or just want to hang out, let one of us know! I love you, man, and I'm sure everyone else has a positive vibe about you at the moment.