Synthetic Flying Machine Over The Sea

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Feb. 27, 2014, 5 p.m.

After… god knows how long, I've finally been able to cover the song that I've always had problems covering. Before, I used to not be able to sing it, not be able to play it, always forget the words… then today came, and I said, FUCK IT, I'm going to record this damn song once and for all. And whala! My roommate nor anyone else helped me with this, so it's me singing with myself, and only a rhythm guitar. Sounds pretty neat to me because I've heard a LOT of bad takes I've recorded in the past and this is the best one by far.

That doesn't say much because the others were garbage, but I'm proud of finally being able to cover this.


now back to my busy life that doesn't let me do anything ever

critiques are HEAVILY encouraged… without you guys telling me the truth on whether you like it or not, i can't get better. so if you like it or hate it, tell me!


spike1 11 years ago

I haven't heard the original so maybe its meant to sound like this, but isn't the recording quality a bit low? I think it would sound pretty nice live, but the consistent recording distortion kind of makes it hard to listen too :(. I think the guitar and voice would sound quite nice if you got some better recording equipment, its simple but effective and even though it was a few copies of you singing it still sounded ok :). Good luck with your next song :D

Polystyrene Man 11 years ago

this is fantastic! lofi is practically a necessity when covering this song. dig the vocal doubling and the humming around 1:00. the little guitar lick at the end is cool, too. hope you'll do the rest of the album!

NeutralReiddHotel 10 years, 12 months ago

I haven't heard the original so maybe its meant to sound like this, but isn't the recording quality a bit low? I think it would sound pretty nice live, but the consistent recording distortion kind of makes it hard to listen too :(.

yeah, sorry about that. you're right, this is a bad quality recording because I used the microphone on my laptop. I used to use the Rockband 3 mic I used in some earlier recordings, but that one stopped working as well, and it got so bad that the quality of my laptop mic is WAY better.

btw, here's the original:

I think the guitar and voice would sound quite nice if you got some better recording equipment, its simple but effective and even though it was a few copies of you singing it still sounded ok :). Good luck with your next song :D

i definitely want to try to get better equipment for recording, at least a decent mic. but since my roommate might have found someone with professional recording equipment, then i don't want to buy it if we can just use that guy's.

thank you for the feedback and luck spike1 :) i appreciate it.

this is fantastic! lofi is practically a necessity when covering this song. dig the vocal doubling and the humming around 1:00. the little guitar lick at the end is cool, too. hope you'll do the rest of the album!

you're inspiring me to do it poly! i really like that you enjoyed this because i was beginning to think i was the only one that thought this sounded decent. i'll take your word for it and think that you really did enjoy this, so yes, for sure i'll do King of Carrot Flowers Pt1 next! idk about songs like "communist daughter" or "the fool," but "holland 1945" and "ghost" are doable.

Polystyrene Man 10 years, 12 months ago

yeah I wouldn't really expect you to do The Fool, but Communist Daughter is a great song (and no more difficult to play than any other song on the album).

steve reich says: "don't tell me you don't have the right equipment - what matters is your musical imagination". hi-fi recordings are not inherently better than lo-fi recordings, you just need to play to the strength of whatever you're using. in fact, hi-fi can be much more difficult to work with because mistakes are more apparent and you can end up with a very sterile sound.

I don't mean to get too soapbox-y, I only want to encourage you to keep going.

Polystyrene Man 10 years, 12 months ago

sounds like we have different perspectives on recording, steve. I think you might liken recording to taking a picture, whereas I would liken it to making a painting. you're looking for as-perfect-as-possible reproduction, but my feeling is that it offers an opportunity to alter timbre in a positive and unique way. that said, I absolutely agree that there are occasions when you want the recording to be as true to the performance as possible, and that 1930s piece is a good example. but if we're talking about woody guthrie, I would argue that the lo-fi is an important part of his sound.

Polystyrene Man 10 years, 12 months ago

In most cases, I'd advise against double-tracking if you can't get the two recordings in near-perfect sync. One voice will usually sound much better than two in those cases.
I also just want to point out that this is (of course) a matter of taste. Double-tracked voices that drift in and out of sync is like candy to my ears.

Polystyrene Man 10 years, 12 months ago

I guess it's subjective
That's really all I wanted to point out. So we're in agreement.

Good point about Guthrie's recordings being "the best they could do" - lofi probably wasn't considered an artistic choice at the time.

But, naturally, I have to point to the Velvet Underground. Their deliberate disregard for quality recording became an essential part of their sound.

The "authentic timbre" of a laptop mic hasn't been around for long enough to become nostalgic yet, in my opinion. ;)
Yes, not yet!