Exit Cursed Black, & Moving On

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Sept. 1, 2014, 12:30 p.m.

Hey guys, dabridge here.

I'm starting school and a very hard semester at that. I've made the decision to stop working on Cursed Black completely until I'm done with the semester and I have time to work on it during Christmas time. Reason being that I'm thinking too much on whether I should work on it or not if I have free time and I don't want to keep wondering and just make the decision already. So there you guy, the last update I have is the last one there will be for a few months. Which makes me wonder, do you guys think it would be interesting to put up a demo of what i have playable? I'm curious to see who would play it.

In other news, I broke up with my girlfriend, "Owl" as I called her in an earlier post. We've been through tough times all through the relationship, but for the past two months, I've had a shitty attitude at me trying to fix the problems every single time. For example, every few days we had a fight, then afterwards we would have an awesome makeup session. But, as it became very apparent in the last few weeks when she was working so much and the PROBLEMS arose but NOT the makeup session I didn't enjoy making things up anymore and realized something:

"Oh god I'm with this girl for the wrong reasons."

And sure, I already knew this, but I've been avoiding doing anything about it because of ALL the problems it would cause to break up: breaking a lease that we had signed together, parting ways with the dogs, rats, and fish we have as pets, me not being able to afford rent if she moves out because i'd legally still have to stay here for 5 more months… and of course breaking up always sucks because you go from having a partner whos physical presence is just heartwarming to complete nothingness. It was a tough decision to make but it had to be done.

Right now, I'm focusing on moving on. I'm going to start writing more like I used to 2 years ago, I'm going to be focusing on my schoolwork now that I don't have to think about coming home to a fight, and I'm already signing myself up for online dating sites because I know right off the bat that they're the least likely place to find someone new, or someone worth my time, but I want to exhaust those websites first and get used to talking to girls as single first before I move on to talking to girls at my school.

I'm also going back to my Academy to train as much as I can, but y'know, that's not here or there (everyone I've told this to without me giving them a proper explanation don't like me for it, so I'll leave this part vague as hell for you guys).

Well… Smash 4 time! Who else is hyped as fuck for shulk?

p.s., yes, i'm bummed out and pretty sad about this, which is why i want to keep myself busy do I don't think about the breakup so much. i'd rather not pour my heart out here because i've already done it before and it's just not as satisfying as talking about it in person with someone. and that's really want i need - relief, not for you guys to read about someone bitching


Quietus 10 years, 6 months ago

You should definitely put up a demo! I've been waiting to play this for months lol. I'm interested to see how word-of-mouth spreads as well.

also, i joined the warned club! we're rebels. :D

Powerful Kyurem 10 years, 6 months ago

I've been in it for a while. We're all part of the rebel fleet!

(Where's the evil digitstar, btw? I got lost…)

Oh, and awesome pokemon game. Glad it is coming together!

NeutralReiddHotel 10 years, 6 months ago

Ok, I'll put up a demo as soon as I get the chance hel :)

Iasper 10 years, 6 months ago

There's this button called "Edit", just saying :)

And yeah, I'd play the demo as well for sure!