another day in the life, microbiology edition

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Oct. 15, 2014, 9 a.m.

i have to go take an exam in 40 minutes.

i already know i want to gtfo of school as soon as possible. it's not doing me any good to keep doing something i really don't care about.

I KNOW when i'm doing something i care about. when i play smash, play the guitar, and program my game, i KNOW i want to do it. i get the same feeling by running for a long distance, or lifting weights. i also get that feeling when i clear up a resolution with a friend.

but doing good in school? this is the best semester i've had for a while, and i don't give a fuck about it.

i'm also very much in the process of fucking it up.

the problem is, i'm staying in school because that's all my parents ever told me to do. "stay in school mijo, you'll get a good job." maybe they're right. maybe all those people that tell me i was lucky to have such parents are right. i could have ended up as a drug-addict, a drunk, a good-for-nothing loiterer that works at McD.

but goddamnit why the hell do i have to go take classes from teachers that could not give two fucks about what they're teaching? i can only think of 2 classes of my 5 where my teachers actually like what they're teaching, and they're so good at teaching it because the passion is definitely there. hell, even if they're bad in certain areas they certainly make up for their faults by their interest in not only knowing the material, but also teaching it. i love teachers like that. i'll go the extra mile for teachers like that.

but this exam i'm about to go take… the guy is unorganized, mumbles like fuck, goes back on his word (oh this will not be on the exam… nevermind! you do have to know it), and is not very clear on what he wants us to know because he keeps giving us material he says we will not be tested on and i believe him.. but at the same time, why give it to us then?

i studied fairly OK for this exam, but i didn't give it my all. if neither my teacher or i care about what's going to be on the exam, then that's a huge problem.

in other news, here's the smash video of the day:

i love this falco


MMOnologueguy 10 years, 4 months ago

drop out of school and kill cops

nap 10 years, 4 months ago

Professors who care about teaching are few and far between. Also nobody likes school. Also what this guys said ^

Alert Games 10 years, 4 months ago

I think its better to think of it in a way of contributing to the community. You get money, and you help other people get money. Circle of life.

Or at least it should contribute… There's too many companies nowadays that just try to nickel and dime people IMO…

Toast 10 years, 4 months ago

I already fucked up uni, tried working in a kitchen, couldn't do it, now I'm trying to start my own business but I have absolutely zero self-motivation. I've been making the website for ten days now, probably only done three days worth of work.

I'm not sure what my point is except being out of education sucks even more than being in education sucks. Unless you're actually motivated and employable and can get a job that isn't soul destroying

NeutralReiddHotel 10 years, 4 months ago

drop out of school and kill cops

lol this isn't gta

Professors who care about teaching are few and far between. Also nobody likes school.

it's a shame those professors are so rare. i would actually like my school if they stopped hiring asswipes and hired people that cared about teaching.

I think its better to think of it in a way of contributing to the community. You get money, and you help other people get money. Circle of life.

agreed 100%, i just need to develop this thought more because it's what i've been thinking for the past year or so

I already fucked up uni, tried working in a kitchen, couldn't do it, now I'm trying to start my own business but I have absolutely zero self-motivation. I've been making the website for ten days now, probably only done three days worth of work.

ugh, sorry to hear that toast. you should post more screenshots on your blog on how that's doing

I'm not sure what my point is except being out of education sucks even more than being in education sucks. Unless you're actually motivated and employable and can get a job that isn't soul destroying

i am motivated, but doing what i want (game making, playing smash) won't take me anywhere. maybe working out will if i become a trainer, but i'd hate to hold the hands of undisciplined big people that don't want to put in the effort to lose weight and only expect me to do all the work for them.

in a sense, you're very right. i'm just bitching like an entitled first-world country member.