Year 22.

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Dec. 1, 2014, 12:10 p.m.

Being 22 years old is such a weird and lame number… for my favorite number being 23 (largely because of having fond memories of 64D way back when teenager), I can't wait until being actually 23.

Every year, every single year, without fail, I expect my birthday to be an absolute shitfest. In highschool, I started the trend of spending my birthday by myself and as isolated as possible. Because I don't care enough to celebrate my birthday since the last one that I had a party for with my family was when I was 11, I never really think about "changing" this tradition. I mean, who cares about my birthday? Yay, I'm older. Big deal. This is one of the main reasons I really don't want to care — cause I always expect the day before to see how little difference I've made in the world. I'm in the state in my life that I'm starting to care less and less at how good or bad I affect the world – i just want affect and push people PERIOD. Ideally, I would like to push them to where I want them to be – potential friends, but I don't always do that. I don't always push, period.

However, yesterday was pretty cool, even though i was at work. Most of my co-workers took their time to go up to me and tell me happy birthday. Not only that, but everyone at my work (Sam's Club) has a radio they take with them to talk to each other, and every half hour or so there would always be co-workers that tell me happy birthday. Some who's voice I recognized, most that I didn't. I knew I was being wished happy birthday from people that knew me and not strangers, but it was nice to know that even those that don't know me too well don't hate me to the point of not wanting to wish me a happy birthday. I'm in good terms with some of my co-workers, which is nice.

(i say this because… i do treat some of my co-workers like shit sometimes. it's good to know they don't dwell on this because i make up for it in other ways)

After work I had to stay home and work on a presentation… literally on shit. Haha, but I didn't mind because most of my break was spent wisely. I had fun so for me to not celebrate my birthday and instead work all day and do a project all night wasn't so bad.

among some of the good news are things I find pretty sick:

my dad called me and offered to give me financial help with my car tires– that are pretty damn close to exploding. i was not planning on fixing this soon because of the lack of money but it's good to know my dad has my back sometimes. he's nowhere near dependable pretty much all the time, but when he is, it's nice.

pounce texted me and called me to wish me a happy birthday and to tell me she wants to be friends with me again, which is pretty kickass considering way back when in 2012 when the reason i was kicked out of this site is because of how insane i got. i'm nowhere near that now, and this is an indication of that. update: she can't stop being a dumb whore so she's back to wasting her time hooking up with retards.

got a lot of facebook happy birthdays lol. i don't care about facebook too much, especially since, you know, it tells you when people's birthdays are. but most of the people that told me happy birthday on facebook are people i actually talk to, so THAT was the nice part. they just didn't wish me happy birthday over the phone because they didn't have my number. some did though.

umm…. i finished my presentation. got a 95, for working on it for 4 hours. i bs'd this so hard. but i got a good grade, so that's cool. american public universities have such a shitty low standard for the work that gets accepted as grade A material. can't wait to get out of school.

i'm out. yes, yesterday was my birthday.

edit: one more of the many reasons this year kicked ass:


Iasper 10 years, 3 months ago

Happy birthday! And damn those sprites look awesome, did you make them yourself?

Quietus 10 years, 3 months ago

happy birthday man, great to see things going well for you.

Alert Games 10 years, 3 months ago

Being 22 is a lot better than 23. 23 seems like the year you actually have to be more mature and stuff