Oh, Jesse.

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on March 5, 2015, 1:50 a.m.

I remember a lot of people from this site.

jesseroo22… this was some kid that lived in australia when he was active. i always thought he was a girl. hell, she might be a girl. i used to bully him over PMs… it's true. i blame myself for his leaving. i used to be such a dick to him for no reason. i however, remember secretly liking the fact that me bullying him gave me his attention. in my hormonal years, where I got none of this from my parents or real life peers, and very little from my silly, useless blogs written here, that much attention coming from one person felt very nice.

i know, i know. it's disguisting. i bullied someone and i'm not going to pretend I didn't know what i was doing. of fucking course i knew he was younger. but i bullied him anyway. i bullied him so much over pms i can't even remember how much i really did, or all the different times i did. it must have been about a month, maybe more. just stupid things like "your blogs suck" "get out of here." and it's sad to think about, because this kid was so young he took what i told him to heart. i really do blame myself for his leaving.

i'm tempted to go over the PMs… i don't know if they're still there or not. i wonder if they're as bad as i remember them, or if they were silly teenage bickering that wasn't all that bad. what i don't like is that i don't remember exactly.

i was around 15 at the time. i'm 22 now. 7 years later and every once in a while when i visit this site i think about that kid. he's older now, and hopefully forgave me. not sure how to tell he did.

these days i can't even bring myself to bully someone when i want to.


NeutralReiddHotel 10 years ago

I searched for the PMs we exchanged. i must have deleted them while I was still feeling stupid guilty. I don't know if I dodged an emotional bullet by not reading them again… i really wish I did.

He/she definitely changed his/her username though, or even deleted the account.

Goddamn it bugs me I never found out if it was a boy or girl.

Notalot 10 years ago

As a 23 year old that's been around GM communities for over ten years, it's easier just to pretend those first 4-5 years never actually happened - because, as far as I'm concerned, they didn't!

Alert Games 10 years ago

I was never 16 on 64digits. Nope. Never

Rez 10 years ago

I can relate to this. There's plenty of bad things I did for bad reasons IRL and on the internet, not to mention all the generally embarrassing stuff. But that's personal development, you even have to iterate as a person. Turns out the asshole model is faulty, who would have known.

Jani_Nykanen 10 years ago

I'm actually glad I didn't trust my English skills until I turned 17 and started to use various forums so I probably missed that 'asshole in Internet' period.

Moikle 10 years ago

that account that I refuse to name that was definitely not 11-13 year old me, never existed either

Alert Games 10 years ago


that account that I refuse to name that was definitely not 11-13 year old me, never existed either
I'm gonna find it

Moikle 10 years ago


Moikle 10 years ago

I knew you would do it Cyrus. I fucking knew it…Take a bite AG, I dare ya :|

MMOnologueguy 10 years ago

I'm pretty sure I have yet to create an account on 64digits. The past eight years and probably the next one or two years as well never did or will occur.