the game maker & youtuber mashup

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on May 26, 2015, 6:43 p.m.

aeron, plz read my PM.

here i'm talking about my game for half an hour. i have a feeling you'll either love this or hate this, but i really did enjoy making this. it's not normal for me to talk about my game IRL since it's hard to explain #1) pokemon, #2) pokemon creepypasta, #3) game dev involving game maker 8. but here in this video I get to do it! it was a lot of fun as much as I got to ramble, i'd love to do this with someone else too cause i did cut this to 30 mins. i could have kept going about anything really but it can get boring listening to the same guy for such a long time.

So I'm planning on making the rest of my update videos in this style, maybe eventually have a webcam working, but I think that's a bit excessive for such a long-term project. we'll see.

also, this file is now huge for a pokemon game. i wonder if it will work with game maker studio.


Taizen Chisou 9 years, 9 months ago

Okay, I think it's really cool that you've gone to such lengths to emulate the visual aesthetic of the G1 Pokemon games, down to the delay in the menu and text advancement. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the sheer effort.

I've been poking around the video trying to catch glimpses of your databasing system. It all looks fairly well decently put together.

Also, your volume seems incredibly low. I'm sitting here with my speakers on 60 and I can't hear you at all (I'm not turning off my fan. It's too hot.)

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 9 months ago

@Taizen_Chisou - thanks for ur comment. out of all the comments i've read about my game, i'd love that u were able to recognize the effort i put into making this game. youtubers just see the video and they're like "oh cool rom hack" and deviantart people see it and they're like "omg creepypasta." being recognized for the actual time i put into game maker, which involves having to get everything pixel perfect and getting the animations to match, makes ur comment one of the best ones i've ever read. it literally made my heart feel good and made me smile.

the database itself has gone through several revisions… which explains as to why i've been working on this for so long. and yes, i'll fix the sound issue by the next video update!