who is in charge of the FTP around here?

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on July 27, 2015, 2:23 a.m.

my website is embarrasing.


I've been running on a free webhost using freaking wordpress because I haven't been able to contact anybody from here that can access my old files from my old site. I used to have a seditio CMS running for a whole year, gathering data, posts, users, and news posts. I don't know what to do to get that info back. Steven, I know you gave me the mysql tables in a PM but I also need the old uploaded files. I modified the CMS enough to not know how to do it over again the same way years later.. I just don't have the memory.

all i want are my old files man… but in other news, here is the latest video of my video game:

once i get my old website running, i won't have to waste time trying to get wordpress to not look like shit :)


NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 7 months ago

i'm retarded. i didn't download the file that you send me because all i read was MySQL, as i was under the assumption that you couldn't access my old files and that all that you send me was the database extract. sorry, i'll take this off the front page.