goodnight sweet prince

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Dec. 1, 2015, 10:32 p.m.

my daily life may be a rollercoaster. but let me take this moment to say one thing..

Goodnight sweet prince

i have spent hours on you. i have built my entire competitive attitude towards your first intentions: to have fun with something that was NOT meant to be fun. i have fun playing melee, and ironically in the last few months i had discovered how much fun I had with you Project M. Your stages are beautiful, the added characters Roy and Mewtwo completely necessary. Your All-Star and Turbo modes are mandatory. and the Melee physics being brought outside the top 8 cast of melee down to low-tiers and Brawl newcomers made this game so. fucking. fun.

and now you're dead. $100 and half a decade later, you're dead. i still remember donating that fucking money so your development continued, and it sure as shit did. but i can't believe you're dead.

Smash 4 sucks dick. i hate it. it's boring and floaty and cheap and long. who cares. it's a fucking balloon popping game…. not a true fighting game. i'd take you, PM, any day of the week instead of the shitballs that Sakurai is going to continue to spit out in spite of the competitive community.

R.I.P., I will do my best in Melee finals and studying your last patched version to bring this game back to life as much as possible.


Quietus 9 years, 3 months ago

I just saw this on the front page of Reddit. r.i.p Project M

LoserHands 9 years, 3 months ago

PM is my favorite smash game, melee is second ofc

Who do you main in PM? you play spacies in melee right??

do you play either game through smashladder? maybe we've played there …

I live in norcal and go to plenty of tournies, but only if they host PM. I hope this doesn't make PM tournies harder to find. People already talk about PM like it's a knockoff, it's natural because it's a fan project, but damn it's awesome for a fan project. Emulates melee and has so many more characters.

Phoebii 9 years, 3 months ago

This is why I became game developer…

After my favorite game was quickly and violently murdered by greedy developers, I've decided to become developer and not let that happen to my games.

I never knew Project M, but I feel sorry for you guys…

Jani_Nykanen 9 years, 3 months ago

Well, the developers said they are "ready to finish development here and move on to bigger and better ventures. " Maybe the bigger and better ventures mean they are going to make an original, standalone Smash-like fighting game that doesn't require NTSC version of Wii. Hey, you can always hope!

Smash 4 sucks dick. i hate it. it's boring and floaty and cheap and long. who cares. it's a fucking balloon popping game…. not a true fighting game.
I disagree, but everyone can have their opinions. Besides, I'm a guy who has never played Melee and who also enjoyed Brawl.

Unaligned 9 years, 3 months ago

Well that sucks. I've never gotten into the competitive scene (haven't actually met anyone IRL that knows about Project M without me telling them about it first), but some of my best days were (and still will be) spent match after match with a couple of friends and some beers. We could start at midday and carry on well into the next day. Shame we'll never see new updates or characters, but I consider myself very lucky with what's in version 3.6. Hopefully someone else will pick it up and make a cool fork out of it.

Quote: Jani
I disagree, but everyone can have their opinions. Besides, I'm a guy who has never played Melee and who also enjoyed Brawl.
I suggest you try out Melee or PM, play for a few days and then try to go back to Brawl/Sm4sh. You'll most likely notice the huge difference in game pace.

So who do you guys main? I consider myself proficient with Ganon, Falcon, Toon Link and Ike. I'm also trying to improve with Kirby, Peach, Marth, ZSS, Ivysaur and Samus.

twisterghost 9 years, 3 months ago

My office has a Wii with PM installed on it. We play it pretty much every day. I'm sad to see development has stopped, but its not like PM will suddenly disappear on us. Still a great game.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 3 months ago


Who do you main in PM? you play spacies in melee right??
yup, spacies and Mewtwo. In PM… spacies and Mewtwo lol. I've never played in smashladder, i go to local events. i WISH i could go to Norcal for PM tourneys… I would have never stopped playing PM. The greatest achievement I ever got was gaining 2nd place in a tourney with Mewtwo very early in my competitive career in a city I don't even normally play in. I beat people that didn't expect to be beaten. feltgoodman.jpg

there is MOST definitely a difference between Melee and PM though… as a spacies player they definitely feel a A LOT different, so yeah PM emulated Melee, but it truly isn't, so neither will ever be dropped. at least i hope PM is never dropped.

I never knew Project M, but I feel sorry for you guys…
It's OK… in a way this is a good thing. PM is based of Melee, a very competitive game that has been around 14 years without a patch with a STILL developing metagame. PM has been updated since day 1, and having a stable version without any more updates means there's more potential for current players to take it more seriously. one main complaint is that once you learn your char you might have to relearn it in the next patch. this is a VERY real reason to not play PM, as this happened to my buddy that mained Squirtle in 3.02 and got his character both nerfed to fuck and his physics changed… all that techskill practice went straight down the toilet.

plus there's players making feelgood posts so we're ok


Well, the developers said they are "ready to finish development here and move on to bigger and better ventures. " Maybe the bigger and better ventures mean they are going to make an original, standalone Smash-like fighting game that doesn't require NTSC version of Wii. Hey, you can always hope!

Oh no no no. this is most definitely a cease and desist. those guys were just told to stop. the news page is just a way to make things look neat and pretty, but the PM devs were still planning stuff out for the next patch only days ago. whatever caused them to stop (which is probably a cease and desist) happened less than 72 hours ago.

Well that sucks. I've never gotten into the competitive scene (haven't actually met anyone IRL that knows about Project M without me telling them about it first), but some of my best days were (and still will be) spent match after match with a couple of friends and some beers. We could start at midday and carry on well into the next day. Shame we'll never see new updates or characters, but I consider myself very lucky with what's in version 3.6. Hopefully someone else will pick it up and make a cool fork out of it.
hopefully the word for PM will spread a bit now since it's dead and all. me personally i've been suprised at the number of people who already know about it… all ya gotta do is ask. and +1 on Melee and PM compared to Smash 4 and Brawl being night and day. i swear i can't believe these games were started by the same guy.

My office has a Wii with PM installed on it. We play it pretty much every day. I'm sad to see development has stopped, but its not like PM will suddenly disappear on us. Still a great game.
It won't disappear for sure… in fact I hope it becomes played even more now that there's no more updates and this is the "gold" version we've all been waiting for. now i can play mewtwo and practice tech that WON'T become obsolete! :) definitely keep playing

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 3 months ago

So who do you guys main? I consider myself proficient with Ganon, Falcon, Toon Link and Ike. I'm also trying to improve with Kirby, Peach, Marth, ZSS, Ivysaur and Samus.

I'll tell you what I tell newbies when I see them in tourney and tell me this BS: you don't have a main. If anything, you know what their attacks look like. But I'm willing to bet my main will beat all your mains. Hell, even to call myself a spacies (Fox/Falco) and Mewtwo main is an embarrassment, I should be focusing on 1 and mastering him before I decide to jump to another… if anything I focus on one character for several months before I go off to playing another one.

I realize you might not play competitive, … hence my final point: casual detected. you might as well say you play everyone

twisterghost 9 years, 3 months ago

I realize you might not play competitive, … hence my final point: casual detected.

1v1 my ness dawg

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 3 months ago

i have a ness. i'll take your ness