my plans for this break

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Dec. 17, 2015, 4:57 p.m.

i need to do the following:

get really fucking good at melee… i already finished beating a bunch of people last night but to their defense they didn't even know the game. they got so mad that one of them pushed me with rage… i hate being a nerd. people think it's cool to push me because i'm better at them at a game. bull fucking shit.

need to work out. this goes along with being a nerd, as so, i don't work out as much and i'm a very skinny guy. hence, people are inclined to pick on me BECAUSE they think i'm cool with it. even though shit gets settled (i tell people to not fucking cross a line and that's usually enough) i'd like to have the appearance of someone that no one wants to fuck with from moment 1, because having to not bark back for no good reason is nice

need to make some progress with pokemon cursed black. that game needs to get finished, and although i made really good progress last summer i need to not slow down and keep the train movin'.

i need to apply for jobs this upcoming semester and research the booklet my advisor gave me to find careers in the biology field. i always assumed my bachelor's was useless and i was never going to find a job i wanted, but that doesn't seem to be the case. as long as i actually put in the effort to do so, i might actually get a better job.

i need to get my study habits on point. they've been on point before, but right now they're so piss poor i just finished FAILING TWO CLASSES and withdrawing from one. fucking embarrassing. i want to come up with a study schedule that i can get consistent with that way when school starts again for me one last time i might actually get shit done this time around.

i'm late to go get my driver's license renewed… i'm an idiot. gtg


Omega_Squid 9 years, 2 months ago

D's get degrees. That's how I got thru Organic 1 and 2.

And biology can pay the bills, but it's a helluva fight. I've been working entry level field work for the past 8 months, biding time before I figure out where I'd like to go to grad school