"I'd put a ring on that" / 1st Place Is Amazing

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Jan. 28, 2016, 9:30 p.m.


I've been winning my local weekly tournaments at my city for super smash bros. melee. that's easy money for now… but I've lost way more than I made. for attending 7 months (missing a few weeks here and there. Roughly around 50 bucks I'll never see again that I've put in. Not to mention the nights of feeling like a waste of time loser after losing completely, and seeing guys that I think are worse than me take my money.

but I'm glad. it's fucking great to meet a goal. I felt like i had taken the world trophy for "success of the world" since setting goals a meeting them is so out of place for me. I've always been told by so many people that I'm smart and talented, making me think I'm one of the few people that were spared the painful habit of hard work. "I only have to put in hard work for a little bit," I've always thought. but this is never the case.

I've gotten bodied in Melee. Hell, in yesterday's tournament, I played all the competitors and lost to every single one of them. But when we went into brackets, I came back with the fucking eye of the tiger, because I beat everybody 2-0, no competition. I've never beaten any of those guys that convincingly, and it wasn't a fluke because the guy that usually takes me out the most had no answers for me when the moment came that I "got" the eye of the tiger. that's the most beautiful part of my life right now, the moment where I was able to to change gears in my head and make something happen purely on a simple decision in my head.

Midgame on my first set of bracket, I remember I told myself,

"fuck this, I'm going to win."



DesertFox 9 years, 1 month ago

Man, I used to kick ass at melee. In high school, at Technology Students Association county and state meets, I was infamous for being the guy who brought a TV and Smash Bros, and who could kick just about anyone's ass at it. 4 player, 1st and 2nd place stay in, 3rd and 4th place had to give up their spot. People formed a queue to play, it was great :3

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 1 month ago

I'm fucking trash in free for alls lol. but that's ok cause that's not where the monies is

Omega_Squid 9 years, 1 month ago

I prefer FFA to 1v1 matches. Usually play 3-5 stock with all items on.

DesertFox 9 years, 1 month ago

In FFA, I tend to roam - lots of hit-and-run whenever two other people are duking it out. If someone persists in chasing me, I lead them into other players, forcing them to open themselves up to an outside attack if they want to get me.


LoserHands 9 years, 1 month ago

Meanwhile I lost a tourney because I SD'd last stock with a percent lead against somebody who beat me out of 2 brackets before. Fate at this point I guess.

I've slept on a large part of PM's cast and every new expert I face that isn't a big name just tears at me to lose to. I feel like I'm so close to playing those popular dudes who always have their matches streamed, but drown.

What's your region? I almost know how sick it is to make it to the end of a local event, congratulations dude.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 1 month ago

I'm Midwest, in Texas/New Mexico. I just placed 6th on a local monthly in the upper part of New Mexico, and considering I've never played any of these guys before I felt pretty good. I played 6 Fox dittos… and holy fuck I made it out.

I got trashed in PM. My last match, I was going Mewtwo and my opponent went Sheik, and that piece of shit character still has stupid hitboxes so he recked me even though it went to last stock. I went Fox next on Yoshi's and he got a 3 stock lead on me… then I fucking brought it back cause I said "fuck this game I know this matchup." On game 3, I got interrupted twice by the TO's since they were looking for me to go to my Melee match and I lost my concentration, leading to me getting wrecked from simple punishes I could have avoided had I been used to distractions like that. But that's part of inexperience…

If you're ever around the midwest (New Mexico/Texas/Arizona) and want to meet up at a regional I'm down to play some rounds and talk about this site

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 1 month ago

In FFA, I tend to roam - lots of hit-and-run whenever two other people are duking it out. If someone persists in chasing me, I lead them into other players, forcing them to open themselves up to an outside attack if they want to get me.


too bad no one runs FFA tourneys that are worth any actual fame/money. the reward of having a bunch of casuals think you're good cause you won at a FFA is a joke compared to the feeling of accomplishment of taking wins off people that work hard towards getting to know the 1-on-1 environment and still get wrecked…

FFA's are fun. but they are very random, sometimes very one-sided, and have no place in a competitive setting. 1-on-1's do. there's teams in all smash games, that means you go 2-vs-2 with one partner against two other people. even on that, there's a bunch of people that think it's too random to be taken seriously but I disagree, and it's still very fun and feels like a FFA. winning a teams tourney is actually respectable.

"being good" at FFA's is like being good at guessing coin tosses. completely worthless.

but the line between people that prefer FFA's and people that prefer 1-on-1's or teams is usually the line between casual/competitor, bad/good. i'm actually glad this line exists, because contrary to popular belief, as a competitive player i do NOT enjoy beating up casuals. I unnecessarily feel like a bully and they unnecessarily feel like complete trash, and even though this is good against someone that's going to try to get better, it's completely useless against someone that's never going to try to get better at the game.

unless there's money at the line. then it's on like shawn john.

DesertFox 9 years, 1 month ago

That was more replying to Omega's comment about FFA, so don't take it as meaning I couldn't handle myself in 1v1 :P

To convince my brothers to play, I would let them play team mode 2v1 or 3v1 against me, friendly fire off, and I still whooped them bad enough that they'd get angry and quit. I had a small cadre of friends who were very good in highschool, and we did 1v1 loser-rotates-out all the time. When I got to college a friend named Ian and I ruled the Melee Gamecube with Powerglove'd fists on thursday EGS meets (Electronic Games Society).

I was an indomitable Peach/Zelda/Sheik/Fox player in Melee, though I'm probably far out of practice now.

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years, 1 month ago

dude i'd so play w/ u df. lemme know if you're in the area… melee's scene is getting big again, and even if you don't go for gold, going to these tourneys is a fucking blast