Bad Luck, you are, a terrible laughing god

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Feb. 15, 2016, 6:01 a.m.

"I met you in the alley, all covered in maggots."

Favorite song of 2015 by far. Even though I've heard some fucking amazing songs that year, this one hits me on the soul. I hear it and I have so many reactions in my head… where I heard it, why I heard it, why I love it, the tunes that play, the lyrics… fuck man. It's overload.

I love that I heard this song first on my old fav show, Being Human.

I love that I heard this song on a show I would never watch if it wasn't for one of my exes.

I love that this show is so fucking relatable that it makes me not feel insane about the thoughts that I have but dumbfuck people tell me I can't share.

I love that it's catchy as fuck.

I love that it talks about bad luck… something I pride myself in not having. I'm the luckiest guy I know, in the sense that I usually, so far, have gotten almost everything I want. Not EVERYTHING, but only the things I really want. Bad luck… though, it feels real. And when my life goes shitty… when there's an infinite amount of things to blame when life hits the shitter… the most obvious answer is sometimes just bad luck.


Omega_Squid 9 years ago

But fuck it. I'm still here.
And that's half the battle!

RyanMan56 9 years ago

First off, yeah, the most important thing is that you're still here, that we're all still here, and as Omega_Squid said that is half the battle. Just keep keeping on and before you know you'll be in a better place and you'll look back and feel damn proud of yourself for struggling through everything it took to get you there. You can do it buddy.

And secondly, fuck, that's a catchy song! And just bookmarked the show too, it looks good!

NeutralReiddHotel 9 years ago

And secondly, fuck, that's a catchy song! And just bookmarked the show too, it looks good!

finally someone with good taste. i've been searching for you all my life and i've never even known it. make sure to watch the HELL out of that show. it's so fucking deep you have no idea

steven, i'm personally stuck in that first column, but i'm glad i'm not in #2 or #3

or, you know. maybe i'm already there and i don't already know it. maybe i'm a poet and i just don't fucking KNOW it.

lets'g ooooooooooooo