I became real as fuck. I was lord reiddsan, who gave my very important and critical judgement to the world. The all loving but very fair lord that shared everything. anyone that takes this gift and rejects it can go dine in hell… but the fair few that stayed for my judgement will benefit from it for all eternety. yes, you may think that my rule is unfair and unwarranted, but behold those who have benefited from my ruling. THEY ARE IN THE HEAVENS ALONG WITH MYSELF, AND WE ARE HAVING THE MOST PIMPASS PARTY IN THE WORLD.
Today, let it be known that I came down to my believers. I gave them what they absolutely needed and one day, in the near future, I will come down again. But for now… the earth is too unprepared to receive the gift of my prolonged stay… so i go back to the heavens for now… lord reiddsan will now resume his completely bullshit-full programming of being plain old regular reidd.adios compadres…Original Title: This Site SucksSo 1st…I lost last night at my Smash Bros. tourney. I'm not good enough, I don't practice enough so I lost to a dude that beat me with a character I had no idea how to fight. This dude ALWAYS does this, when he can't beat me with one character he goes to another. Last night it was Samus, and any Fox player that has no idea how to beat Samus WILL get wrecked. So in a Best out of 5 set, I lost the first two games from dicking around (I don't really think this guy is good so I felt like I didn't need those games at all to win), then turned it up the next two games by three stocking and two stocking him respectively. Last game, he went to one of Samus' best stage and I got recked… I lost two stocks right off the bat, and even though I eventually got him down to last stock, he still foward smashed me and killed me.What this means is that I suck and I need to practice more, hence my avatar. On the days that I think I'm getting better, at anything, are the days that the world loves to show me that I am, in fact, not close to finished putting in work. I'm not the invincible champion yet that I want to be, so it's time to get back in the lab. This is what inspired my current avatar…
^ fuck ya
Melee > Brawl > the new one
steven you jerk why did you change your comment. i agreed with you on the first thing you said but i take back my backing up with this smells thing.
that's fucking buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllshit man. damnnit
censorship is bullshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
^ Why would we post more, if you are doing it for us? =P
Also don't fuck around with Smash or you will get rekd