my hair is super curly

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on April 7, 2016, 9:39 a.m.

when i wake up i think of what i can do to make myself feel good. if i feel good and start to enjoy my day, i'll enjoy getting out of bed right? ya, hell yeah. so i go to the kitchen and cook myself a pair of eggs, bacon, cheese and tostada chips along with some warm coffee and the discounted pumpkin spice creamer i got and i feel fucking gold. i don't want to do anything… no work, but i feel fucking gold.

my work is boring. my computer science class feels so elementary i literally don't study for my exams and still get A's… and the work I DO have to do involves reading and i hate reading shit. reading facts is so boring… that's why history was always boring for me

anyway the cheesecake factory bus came to my school and picked me up along with a couple of other trannies and we all were driven to the nearest town called Nukeville. There we were all thrown out of the bus and we ended up in a porn factory. i was scared because i did not choose any of this and wanted cheesecake, but there i was in front of a porn factory with a bunch of trannies and i wanted to get the hell out. i like porn, and i like cheesecake, but the trannies made me very uncomfortable because we were all in such short proximity.

i relaxed a little when i found out the sign that said porn factory EXPLICITELY said that they PRODUCED the actual blurays of porn and not the porn itself. i didn't care about the trannies anymore cause i just walked away towards a shiny red dog. he wasn't big, but he sure was interested as he was talking to me.

"waffle and oreo said hello" he told me

"wtflol" i said, because i didn't know those two names at all. my rats name were "fried chicken" and "police brutality"

when the shiny red dog told me to follow it, i told it no, because i had just almost been betrayed by a cheesecake factory bus and i didn't believe that the dog was going to lead me to PBS.

i sat down and started to meditate, and fallout came to mind. supermutants were in my head and all of a sudden I BECAME a supermutant. it was sick as fuck because that meant my neurosis was gone – all that was left was brute strength and rage. fuck yeah, i can work with this. lemme go visit my buddies at 64digits because they're all having fun with a half-functioning site and i can't have none of that shit

so when i head over to 64digits the guardsman steven tells me to kindly fuck off as there are no supermutants allowed, especially the ones that say "Make America Great Again" and I was offended. i mean, if i wanted a wall between my home country and the country i grew up in, what's it affect that european fuck?

"let's duel you asshole" i said

"lol supermutants can't talk dude" he said

I said fuck it and turned into Fox Motherfucking McCloud and shinespiked him below dreamland where he got pineappled.

"fuck yea dawg. TOOOOOYRAHHHHH"

i walked into 64digits with my new gun and the "pew pew" bullets I had in hand, and saw everyone that was so new to the site they weren't even around for the RPG

"i heard you guys are enjoying a non-complete site and i can't have none of that shit" i said

"what's it to you, you old fuck. no one likes you" they told me

I said "FAIYAAA" and up-b recovered to the stage after that insult, then ran up and up-smashed everyone i saw. sadly we were in dreamland and my up-smash wasn't enough to KO sheik in such low percentage that i got side-tilted to fair and lost grand finals with a 3-2 set count.



twisterghost 8 years, 11 months ago

my work is boring. my computer science class feels so elementary i literally don't study for my exams and still get A's… and the work I DO have to do involves reading and i hate reading shit. reading facts is so boring… that's why history was always boring for me

What level CS is the class? In my experience, this feeling goes away after a while. You'll be challenged by stuff you don't quite understand eventually. The problem is that a lot of people these days have covered the basics by the time they hit CS courses, but degrees haven't adapted to that. Higher level theoretical stuff and things like Operating Systems fucked me good, but I got through them.

Also I didn't enjoy reading nonfiction until recently. I think the reason people don't like reading stuff like this is two-fold: it feels inefficient, and it is put in the context of work, so we want to put it off. Once I started reading on my own, I began to enjoy it a lot more.

twisterghost 8 years, 11 months ago

So anyway read the rest of the blog


Omega_Squid 8 years, 11 months ago

Fucking Nukeville. I got picked up by a sketchy unmarked van and woke up next to the railroad tracks naked.

Kenon 8 years, 11 months ago

drugs are bad mmkay

SteveKB 8 years, 11 months ago

Returning to see this masterpiece is a blessing.