Year 23 coming in late

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on July 28, 2016, 6:03 a.m.

I am closer to the alignment where I want to be, as much as I would like to not admit to it. I've learned over the past few months, that the pity parties I throw for myself not only are completely useless, but I repel people left and right for no good reason. So why bitch? Yeah, that's right, there's no reason.

I want to be a guy that says what he needs to say, and does what he needs to do. No need to overstate something to ears that don't listen.

But I will say this. I am happier. I've made some super shitty decisions the past few months that landed me in a place that I don't want to be in, but that doesn't mean that I'm suddenly in a pool of despair that I can't dig myself out of. Quite the contrary… BECAUSE of those tough decisions I am able to move on to the life I want. And that's something I can only be happy for, regardless of how unfulfilling it is now. Better to have a chance at my life by sacrificing some good times now instead of never having that chance.

So here's what I'm doing:

- Moved from a Paleo diet, to a vegeterian diet. I got people on Facebook always sharing animal cruelty videos, and a rat owner and previous dog owner, I can say I'm starting to care more about these little bastards, and there's no reason I need to keep eating animals if I don't have to. Not only that, there are benefits to avoiding meat that I am getting.

- Been practicing Melee at least 15 mins a day for 2 weeks. I'm serious, I want to go to Vegas next year at Evo 2017 and win. Yeah, I'll admit that it's almost impossible to win against players that have been dominating the top 8 spots in nationals for years, but almost impossible is not the same as impossible. I refuse to not try.

- Slowly working on Cursed Black. This shit is always overdue. Even if I work on it a little it's better than just kicking it to the curve.

- Calling a friend or family member when I'm in trouble or need help. This is a new one I didn't used to do without prompting. My lazy, unmotivated, scared ass always bailed at telling someone else my problems, waiting for them to go to shit until I unloaded everything to one person at once. Well, not only does that shit doesn't work but it gets very unsettling when I can't do it at all. So fuck that, grow the fuck up David and suck it up. Most, if not all the time, talking to someone, anyone, gets a lot done.

- Starting NoFap. I don't know how much this site wants to cater to younger audiences, but I like to bring a sense of realism and practicality to it. We're all adults. And considering most of us are around the same age, I can safely say that most, if not all the guys here watch porn. Well, if you're like me, you have a porn addiction. I came to the startling realization by reading an article that my interest in real sex is non-existent. I know that if I had a girl that offered me sex I wouldn't turn it down, but me actually putting in the effort to talk to girls is not there anymore. I read… err, am still reading this piece and it's surprising how much I've let this damn "habit" take over my life. Come to think of it, every single time I've had sex has been after a while of practicing self-control, and not what I'm doing now which is essentially watching porn whenver I feel like it. Literally, I could be asleep right now.

The first and last ones are actually super practical and the ones I'm focusing on. Hell, something that I used to consider a challenge, working out, is so embedded in me as something I won't stop doing that I forgot to list it until now. Hell, I won't, it's not something to focus on. Don't let ANY idiot tell you otherwise… while yes, there are huge benefits of working out, if you want to look good you eat properly. None of this "LOL I JUST ATE A CAKE AND DRANK PEPSI BUT THAT'S OK I'M GONNA RUN FOR 10 MINUTES." That shit, has never, ever worked. As one of my recent go-to guys for inspiration has said

Centipede out.


NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 7 months ago


NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 7 months ago

Jani_Nykanen 8 years, 7 months ago

porn addiction

I once knew a guy who had a porn addiction. He said he got rid of it, but he actually just replaced porn videos with women's underwear catalogue. I wonder if that guy is still alive.

NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 7 months ago

Bitching is for losers.

NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 7 months ago

once knew a guy who had a porn addiction. He said he got rid of it, but he actually just replaced porn videos with women's underwear catalogue. I wonder if that guy is still alive.
That's not what I'm doing. I headed over to reddit's /r/NoFap, and their challenge is PMO. No porn, masturbation, or orgasm. Simply replacing hardcore porn with softcore porn is as effective as eating 2 chocolate cakes a day instead of 10. How about a damn salad.

He's probably still alive, fooling himself, masturbating right now as I type.

NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 7 months ago

Thankfully I can say I know no-one without this problem. But masturbation is too weird or taboo to discuss isn't it.

NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 7 months ago

Why do you act as if this is a bad thing?

I see sex as a need, that once it doesn't get met, results in very unusual behavior from the person. I will acknowledge that my external hard drive full of porn plus the countless hours I've spent online downloading it and just watching it have given me nothing. Working towards becoming a guy that doesn't have to worry about getting sex is what I want, not to waste the rest of my life watching porn.

My point was that I built such a delusion in my head from the hours of watching porn that I do NOT need sex, which is insane but I truly (still) believe anyway.

I have very little basis for saying this, I can only reference my past experiences when I was getting regular sex… I didn't think of porn or hitting on all the woman possible as much as I do now. Living with regular sex vs. living without it is a night and day experience of life.

NeutralReiddHotel 8 years, 7 months ago

Finally started on this part.