This year was a good year. I have been lazy with standing up with what I believe in, but that doesn't make it any less true. I'm happy Milo's book is #1 on Amazon right now. I'm happy Mr. Trump won, and I made a 8-hour trip to go vote in my homestate Texas all the way from New Mexico, with the sticker in the back of my laptop to prove it. Even though my county didn't go red, it didn't matter because Trump won in a landslide.
I've got a great new job with more money coming my way, and I'm about to… finally, start working in a hospital thanks to connections I have. This morning I woke up to a post on reddit that reminded me to not be happy with the successes I have, and not just idle around but keep moving. Even though I didn't have my laptop with Game Maker on in, I got my tired ass up to start planning out the next part of my game in Google Drive that way I know what to do when I have time to sit down and program it. I aint stopping.2016 truly was a great year, and with many more things happening, such as God Emperor Trump being president, me having not one, but two great jobs, and about to start getting back into school to keep my career going as a PA, and owning a house and having great company, there's not much to complain about honestly. I want to come and give updates to my game, because planning out what's happening in the engine before actually programming it (instead of the other way around) is giving me real hope about finishing it. Something I was severely lacking when I kept running into errors I had no idea how to fix. I believe 2017 is the year Pokemon Cursed Black will finally be finished, and in the summertime I will be heading to Evo 2017 to see how high up I rank against the best players in Melee… last time I went I wasn't doing very good… but this time around I'm actually able to beat top 10 in my state, and I want to keep going to see how high I rank in the world.Things are going well. Hope everything is going well for you too. With that in mind, I'll leave you with this really hippy band I found on Spotify yesterday that I can't stop listening to: