How important

Posted by NeutralReiddHotel on Oct. 12, 2017, 1:42 p.m.

I never got an award for how many times I changed my avatar, or how cool my hair looked, or how clean my blog layout looks. I also never got an award for telling people how cool I am by telling them about my video game, or how good I am at Melee. Same thing goes for clothing, cleanliness, grades, job accomplishments… etc.

So really, what's the point?

Well, if you're going for brownie points with people and having them like you, the things I listed you can safely cross off as useless. They do not matter in the long run. They are temporary feel goods in a search for acceptance. When I was the most popular around my peers, was at my job when I constantly voiced the injustices from management and corporate as well as tried to be the person that "didn't give a fuck."

Being that person can suck, but you can definitely get brownie points for it. There's a courage in voicing opinions no one likes, especially among those who aren't willing to say them themselves. I've yet to receive my award for being like this, but I will admit it's the most I've felt accepted.

Right now, I crave for being important. But I'm starting to question why, or if it matters. Feeling important only takes care of me, and that's great for me, but what about the person next to me? My girlfriend? My friends? My family? Why do they care if I'm important or not?

Well, they don't. Only I seem to. But I'm really starting to question as to why it matters besides a feeling standpoint, or a moral standpoint. I got a tip at my job the other day for letting a couple of guests rant about Trump while biting my tongue. For me the argument didn't matter when I was getting money just for listening. This is degrading, because that's not what I stand for at all, yet I signed up for a position where just looking at a person wrong gets their panties in a bunch.

I have not ranted. I have not bitched. I have kept everything to myself and typing this out is making me realize it has to GO somewhere. I felt pride in being able to keep things bothering me to myself, but really… there's no pride in running home to a blog that a bunch of strangers are going to ignore. The real pride is facing these things head on, and with the financial situation I have, I'm afraid I have little options besides sit there and nod along until I get my real career started.

This is definitely a 3rd world problem. Not standing up in what I believe in for fear of retaliation.

And if you call me a Nazi, go fuck yourself.


Alert Games 7 years, 4 months ago

I feel you on this one. I'm at that point as well where I have a decent job, I do decent work, but why put any effort into going beyond that?

Personally, I've concluded that I would be too bored not to. I've taken it as a challenge to go beyond the minimum standard informally set by my friends and relatives. So long as there no harm, no foul at the end of the day whether I meet that challenge or not. Some days its easy, and others I question why I'm even doing it. But at the end of the day I remember why I am doing it and just remind myself to keep in mind the end goal.

I don't think "important" is the best way to look at it, although admittedly I have looked at it this way in the past. I think a positive contributor is a better outlook though because it works on any level. You can be considered important to many people but eventually it'll be exposed if you are really beneficial to everyone else. Its really up to the individual.

Just keep on keepin on man

Phoebii 7 years, 4 months ago

I never got an award for how many times I changed my avatar, or how cool my hair looked, or how clean my blog layout looks. I also never got an award for telling people how cool I am by telling them about my video game, or how good I am at Melee. Same thing goes for clothing, cleanliness, grades, job accomplishments… etc.
You should probably learn giving awards to yourself.

Because no one ever gives awards for things like changing avatar.

Buy yourself a chocolate cake.

Other things are awards on their own.

If you have nice clothes, mission accomplished.

Feeling important only takes care of me, and that's great for me, but-
Let me stop you right there. If it's great for you and doesn't harm others, you should probably do it.

Life is about being happy, no point of avoiding something that makes you happy.

Educated hedonism is the way to go, I think.

The other thing is not having enough money to do what you like, but if that's not a problem, you have no problems.

I have not ranted. I have not bitched. I have kept everything to myself
Congratulations. Arguing (especially with strangers) is a massive waste of time, energy and good mood.

You won't make them agree with you.

If you want to support the cause, arguing with random people will not help it.

If you want to vent, do that with people who agree with you.

…bunch of strangers are going to ignore…
A+ reverse psychology =D

This is definitely a 3rd world problem. Not standing up in what I believe in for fear of retaliation.
Uh, I think it's not. If you have internet, food and clean water, pretty sure it's a 1st world problem.

- - -

Disclaimer: I'm like level 2 at life, have no idea how things work, never went to school, also I'm antisocial. Hope I didn't ruin your mood. Have a good day.

Cesar 7 years, 4 months ago

Why does it matter if you're important to somebody? As long as you're important to you, nothing else really matters.

Accept yourself and others will start to accept you. See your flaws, work on them constantly. Grow, be better. Make the man that hits the bed better than the one that arose from it. Have a goal to be happy and do everything you can to fulfill it.

monstrosity 7 years, 4 months ago

I honestly don't have a job, nor a girlfriend… And like you, I want to be important. I want to be respected. I want to have some sort of "profile." But, I don't know how to achieve this… You, on the other hand, code games. You are well known throughout the 64Digits community.

Give yourself a pat on the back and accept yourself.