Are you even still working on this??
I think dabr1dg3 forgot to pay his web rent and no longer has tohjo falls.
Hey are you still working on this orrr?
Reidd, I noticed that the Tohjo Falls website has become archived (and seems to be inactive), but is Cursed Black still being worked on? I've been a huge fan of your Lost Silver adaptation and am eagerly waiting for Cursed Black to be completed!If you're interested at all, I'd also like to offer help for a Japanese translation anytime.
Reidd, ¿qué tal va el proyecto? ¡Mucho ánimo!
Is this still being worked on?
Did Reidd die
are all the updates part of a demo yet?
I am on day 13 of nocaffeine. Feelsgoodman.

Text_Feed="Ahh, I've had my#coffee now and I#feel great!%ntSure you can go#through!%ntAre you in a#hurry?@yn~001~002";
Next_String[1] = "Time is money...#Go along then.";
Next_String[2] = "I see you're using#a POKeDEX.%ntWhen you catch a#POKeMON, POKeDEX#is automatically#updated.%ntWhat? Don't you#know how to catch#POKeMON?%ntI'll show you#how to then."
Text_Feed="Hi! I work at a#POKeMON MART.%ntIt's a convenient#shop, so please#visit us in#VIRIDIAN CITY.%ntI know, I'll give#you a sample!#Here you go!@ri~001~001%ntASH got#POTION!";
Com[0] = "#"; //New line break
Com[1] = "%nt"; //New paragraph
Com[2] = "@yn"; //Draws yes/no prompt
Com[3] = "@hp"; //Draws heal/cancel prompt
Com[4] = "@ri"; //Gives item to player
Com[5] = "@tb"; //Begins trainer battle
Com[6] = "@wb"; //Begins wild battle
Com[7] = "@ci"; //Checks if item is in inventory
Com[8] = "@ma"; //Begins mart script/object
Com[9] = "@mo"; //Shows player money
Com[10] = "@fp"; //Flashes Pokemon portrait
Com[11] = "@dp"; //Flashes Pokedex entry
Com[12] = "@pc"; //Shows regular PC
Com[13] = "@pi"; //Shows player's PC
Com[14] = "@dl"; //Delays the game text
Com[15] = "@sp"; //Shows the player's party
Com[16] = "@ne"; //Shows the name entry
Com[17] = "@cb"; //Checks if player has badge
Com[18] = "@rc"; //Receives coins
Com[19] = "@sf"; //Flashes fossil portrait (no cry)
Com[20] = "@mom";//Does a quick heal animation
Com[21] = "@hl"; //Heal animation @ Pokemon Center
Com[22] = "@gp"; //Gives player new Pokemon
Com[23] = "@ps"; //Plays specificed sound with delay