Enraou's Intro! -takes a bow-

Posted by Nid Hog on Sept. 17, 2008, 11:54 p.m.

Name: Enraou

Age: 16

Birthday: December 4, 1991

Location: Lufkin, Texas

Fave Idols: Greg Ayres, Alan Rickman, Maki Murakami, Kaori Yuki.

Favorite Food: Japanese and Mcdonalds.

Favorite Movies: What Heaven May Become, Moonchild, Grave of the Fireflies.

Favorite Music: I listen to EVERYTHING! Elvis, Rob Thomas, Gackt, Nanne Gronvall, etc.

Favorite Video Games: (Of all time) Motral Kombat 2, Mario, Kingdom Hearts, Okami, DDR.

Greatest Asset: An open mind.

Greatest Weakness: I give advice a lot better than I take it! Oh, and I'm never happy with myself.

Now just to give you a heads up…..

There are three things that really piss me off, and I won't stand for them at all because I don't think ANYBODY deserves to be treated with disrespect. In my opinion, you don't have to like everybody, but you could at least respect them enough to recognize them as human.

The first thing is blatant rudeness. People who are just looking to be an asshole simply because they can be. I have no problem with people who believe in 'speaking their mind' or 'being open and honest'…but there's a level of tact to which to do that. I have no patience with people who say whatever the hell they want and not keep someone elses feelings in mind. I know some of you will disagree, and thats cool, but I just can't blurt out negative comments and just take a 'deal with it' attitude about it all.

The second thing is hating people that you don't even know. That's just stupid. Racism, ageism, homophobia, antisemetism and everything else involving hatred is beyond me. I think so many people are just counted out as being less of a person because of their age or their sexual orientation or the color of their skin or whatever. Sometimes without even SEEING what they look like or knowing WHO they are. They have no idea what they miss out on or what they throw away.

And the third thing, the one that pisses me off more than anything else on earth…is being ignored. I don't want to come off as some spoiled brat or anything, but if someone didn't want to talk to me, I'd rather them say, "Hey, I don't want to talk to you." and leave it at that. To be blatantly ignored is, by far, one of the rudest most unforgivable bullshit acts that you can possibly use against me. Just so ya know! :) But seriously, if someone makes it a point to just ignore me for the hell of it, chances are they won't ever be hearing from me again.

I have a REALLY high tolerance for a LOT of things, and I don't expect a whole hell of a lot from the people around me. A few friendly words, an occassional smile, just the little things, nothing major. But even though I don't like to hold grudges, don't go figuring ME for a jerk once I reach my boiling point. Because if you've gotten me to the point where I'm just totally pissed off or forced to be rude to you, you better believe I've given you MORE than enough chances to make it right.

Believe me…anyone who has made my permanent shitlist DESERVES to be there. And being somewhat 'polite' is the most they can ever expect from me ever again. Their fault, not mine. I give everyone a choice, and if they choose not to have me around, then so be it, the feeling will eventually become mutual.

Just thought you might want to know in case you were interested in getting along with me. ^_^

{ Yes, I copied this from my profile, seeing as apparently no one ever reads those. >.> }

BUT ASIDE FROM THAT, erm….crap….what else is there to say. Oh, I like Yaoi. : ) A lot. Manga, Anime, all that. Little Red Riding Hood creeps me out, like, seriously. Cannibalism is not my pick for a children's story. Kaori Yuki is my God. If you haven't heard of her, LOOK HER UP NOW. She's a fantastic storyteller, not to mention her gothic art style rocks my socks. My favorite color is Orange. >> I love to draw….CG Art, Sketching, Sculpting, Painting…all that. Digital art is my favorite though. : ) Hoping one day I can get a tablet so I won't have to use a touch mouse to color. 'Cause let me tell ya, IT'S EXTREMELY HARD AND UNCOMFORTABLE. Not to mention I have very little patience.

My favorite books are Kite Runner and the Count of Monte Cristo. :} The Count is so freakin' hot. Um, oh, and I LOVE QOO. ( It's a yummy orange drink only sold in Japan. )

Er….I joined 64 Digits….well…because I was bored. o.o Sooo, nice meeting you all! Hope my rambling hasn't made your head explode!


Cesar 16 years, 5 months ago


Nice to finally see somebody that Kenon knows.

Two girls in one day…

FUCKING WIERD! That's just about 25% of all of the girls who have joined 64digits without destroying the site

*cough* shewhomustnotbenamed *cough*

Quietus 16 years, 5 months ago

Yaoi :D

Kenon 16 years, 5 months ago

This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay in Wonderland and we show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.

So what is your choice?

mrmediocrity 16 years, 5 months ago


Nid Hog 16 years, 5 months ago

Kenon, is that a potato or a shoe? o.o

Reminds me of Toy Story…

Amarin 16 years, 5 months ago

Yay, Tohru-chan blogged! :3

Bryan 16 years, 5 months ago

Welcome to 64Digits! May your good fortune be as large as melee-master, and may your troubles be as infrequent as canadonian's logins!

Grand-High Gamer 16 years, 5 months ago

People who are just looking to be an asshole simply because they can be
Then my advice would be to leave now and NEVER look back.

Alternatively, ignore them.

F1ak3r 16 years, 5 months ago


Anyway, welcome to 64Digits. The last time we had two girls joining on the same day, one of them was not what he claimed to be…

But I'm sure that's not the case this time! I mean, what are the chances?

PY 16 years, 5 months ago

ghg is one of those people.

We no longer have a sk8 among us, however, though sk8 was great ;_;

Anyway, yeah. Hi, have fun, and don't be a dupe.