Poll Analysis: Invitation Only Membership? [17]

Posted by Nighthawk on Feb. 9, 2007, 10:20 p.m.

Wow, 64D is really divided on this issue. I personally voted no, why? Well, I wasn't referred to this site by anyone, I just found it, and told a few friends about it too. It's not in beta, and it's not like we have a spambot problem, so I don't see why we'd need it. If anything it'll just turn potential members away. Just my opinion, don't take it too seriously, I'm not out to start a flame war.

Anyway, how many of you have XFire? I've had it for a couple months now, and love it! It makes it so easy to coordinate matches with my gaming clan, and it takes up less memory than YIM too. It's fully skinable, and works with most games too. My XFire username is nighthawk170 if anyone wants to know. (nighthawk17 was taken) A couple links:

XFire website: http://www.xfire.com

My clan is here, look for RBAUC on the sidebar: http://www.rbau.co.nr

Ooh, Soldat Statistics for Funky DM server: http://claw.gwsoldat.net/funkydm/zitro/?inc=clan&name=%3CRBAUC%3E


Anyhow, Rocket Commander is out of my hands for a few days, so what should I work on in the meantime?





~Johnny's Adventure

~Or Somthing else


flashback 18 years ago

it's not like we have a spambot problem
And what would you know about that?

Graydon 18 years ago

I have xfire, and I beleive my name is graydon77222.

HeroofTime55 18 years ago

I go to another forum that's "invite only".. Though, if you find the site, you might be accepted without an invite, depending on what the members think of you. We could have a system like that, a "guest room" for potential members to introduce themselves. Because as it is, we would have to weed out all the stupid members for an invitational system to work properly.

Rob 18 years ago

WTF is Xfire?

Nighthawk 18 years ago

WTF is Xfire?

That's what the link is there for.

s 18 years ago

Is Or Something else an actual game?

Also,with invitation,I also think that it should be like a membership application system,and not just referal…else,why have affiliates?

Firebee 18 years ago

I think referal is the way to go. Most people here were refered anyway.

Nighthawk 18 years ago

Is Or Something else an actual game?

Um… No?