0h t3h nuz3 0F r4nd0mnes!!!1!11 [17]

Posted by Nighthawk on Feb. 10, 2007, 8:36 p.m.

Oh-K, first things first, to avoid any more confusion, I'm also known as Absolute Zer0. Sorry for using two different usernames.

<EDITED for clarification> I'm talking about a different name on other forums, I only have ONE 64D account! </EDITED>

I started on Battlezone again today, added an AK-47 which is only accessible by picking it up, plus I started on campaign level 3!

I am now in a position of power in too many forums:

Admin of: 4

Moderator of: 2

Other special status: 1

If you don't have a clue what they are… oh well…

New somewhat strange music that I made with Modplug:

TheMusicLib won't accept it.

Anyways, that's the end, hope it's enough…


s 18 years ago

This blog is redundant.

Have you read the rules?It specifically says no hoarding usernames…They could ban all your userness now,and I wouldn't disagree with them.

# 6. User Banning: A user will be banned in the following circumstances:

-The user excessively violates a minor rule (such as spamming, flaming, etc)

-The user posts malicious content, either in a game or in a post

-The user consistently creates duplicate accounts

-The user attempts to incite a staff member

Nighthawk 18 years ago

NO! I mean on several DIFFERENT forums, I have only ONE 64D account! On GMG and GMC I have a different name, and it's caused some mix ups, that's why I posted that.

Alx 18 years ago

Oh are you bob's friend

Nighthawk 18 years ago

I don't know him personally, and I'm not on his favorite user's list, but I am a member of his forum. ;)

OBELISK 18 years ago

You COULD have been a mod at LiGHTWAVE Arts, but NEEW. You just have to be inactive.

Nighthawk 18 years ago

Sorry, I do check for messages there now and then, but no one posts there anymore.

Firebee 18 years ago

That squeak freaks me out. :O