Friday rhymes with... Highway? [17]

Posted by Nighthawk on Feb. 23, 2007, 11:28 p.m.

Happy Friday! Funny IM conversation:

Quote: An XFire conversation with a friend

conclavidor: hey, ever heard of IMVU?

Nighthawk: No

conclavidor: it stands for…. something or other. it's pretty much a 3D IM system, and while I haven't really been talking to random people (despite that kinda being the point) I think it'd be kinda fun to chat on

conclavidor: plus you can use credits to buy clothes and stuff

Nighthawk: So… Random people just… IM you?

conclavidor: if you join into rooms. you just say you don't want to join if a room is available

Nighthawk: And does it take forever to load in the tray? Because I have about 50 tray icons.

conclavidor: =P I don't think so

Nighthawk: Because I can leave the room, make coffee, brush my teeth, take a shower, take the dog out, eat breakfast, catch up on my soaps, play Super Mario Brothers 5 times through, do three push ups, take a college course, call some friends, eat lunch, run around the block, come back and find that my tray FINALLY finished loading.

conclavidor: personally I usually just grab a soda.

Nighthawk: ROFL

Nighthawk: How long can it take to drink ONE soda?

conclavidor: don't ask.

Nighthawk: …

Nighthawk: …I don't think I want to know…

Anyhow, GMG is down AGAIN… I hate to see it like this, not too long ago 64D was down. GMC had problems last night too, is this the end of GM communities as we know them!? Probably not, but oh well…

Great Games Experiment has been the one site that's kept me alive, it never went down during these past few days. If anyone wants a beta invite, I currently have 5 available if anyone wants one. If you ask for two, you get none, if you ask for five… You get a cookie, but no invite. [:P]

I am SO wanting to finish a game, but every time I start, I get bored. Any tips?


(Random enough for you?)


Graydon 17 years, 10 months ago

An Invite.

NeutralReiddHotel 17 years, 10 months ago

frenchconY is correct.

Nighthawk 17 years, 10 months ago

An Invite.


tylerthemiler 17 years, 10 months ago

I just got my own by waiting.

Nighthawk 17 years, 10 months ago

Me too, but it takes a long time, so an invite is better.

tylerthemiler 17 years, 10 months ago

Are you a runner??

Nighthawk 17 years, 10 months ago


tylerthemiler 17 years, 10 months ago

Sorry, I just read you IM thingy. Something about running around the block. Anyhow, you just seem like a runner.

Nighthawk 17 years, 10 months ago

Oh, half of those were jokes, I don't watch soap operas, for example, and I've yet to beat Super Mario Bros. I guess I'm sort of fast, but I don't run as a hobby.

tylerthemiler 17 years, 10 months ago

Hehe, I was kinda confused when you said you watched soaps. I beat SMB on an emulator with quick save (that game is so hard).