Lots of news today!
The new version of Sapphire Tears is awesome as usual, check out my stats on my sidebar right over there. I also got a badge! I'm ashamed to admin, however, that Double Kill is the best thing I got. Oh well, it still looks nice next to my ColumnsX badges. [;)]New version of Element! Lots of updates, plus a server that doesn't use Hamachi! That's right, no need to fiddle with that stuff, just start it up and join Chaotic Server, thanks for the great hosting Chaosknight!Download Link:http://www.64digits.com/download.php?name=ElementA2_5.zip&id=19270Old screenshot to get you interested and take up space:Random News (Are you getting sick of that title?) [17]
Posted by Nighthawk on May 23, 2007, 12:05 a.m.
Have a nice day =DI posted a lot of times…
Hehe, I got a double kill badge too.